Great thread and surprised I didn’t see this before now.
Been working in the aviation industry ever sense post secondary as a Avionics Engineer. Repairing and installing electrical equipment on all sorts of aircraft DHC8, DHC2, DHC6, the terrible BE1900D and even worse SA227.
Photo of Nicad battery shorted out to remove its memory required at every service. When on discharge cells that reach .5 is shorted and above 1v have a shorting resistor clipped to the cell. Dash 8 400
Photo getting ready for a engine change this is the engine coming off pictures of the engine harness so I can remember the routing. Dash 8 300
Photo of wiring diagram helping a out base with a avionics issue with backlighting on indicators. BE1900D
Photo of installing Skytrac system on a DHC6 Twin Otter ceiling panel removed adding just a few wires from the tail to the cockpit. DHC6 Twin Otter.
Photo of a damn indicator pulled apart to replace the backlighting lamps. They are soldered on circuit board that I’m pointing at. Dash 8 300.
Photo of power lever switches in the hell hole of a Dash 8 300. Changing a few that failed.
Just a few photos from a mechanic side.