The Aviators Thread

Indeed interesting to see English Electric Lightning XS925 interceptor fighter jet on display with fuel tanks and armament pods at the RAF museum in Northern London - UK.
These Mach 2 capable jets had the fastest rate-of-climb of any combat aircraft and served for 30 years in the RAF (1958-1988).
In 2009 British Physicist Brian Cox flew onboard a two-seater version (aka "The Frightening") at Thunder City - South Africa, for the BBC series "Wonders of the Solar System".
This was filmed at Thunder city - Cape Town international airport in South Africa and it looks like IP Mike Beachy was the pilot sitting in the lefthand seat of this English Electric Lightning T5 two seat side-by-side jet of which about a dozen were built. The vertical take off is amazing.
After an accident in November 2009, "Thunder City" closed its doors and there were no longer any Lightning jets in the skies...
Wasn't looking for this one but picked this up the other day. Probably wear better with the green flight suit, but we wear tan in theater. 
"Thunder City" EE Lightning interceptor jets... 500 liter fuel per minute, limiting operating factor were the tyres
Is the Tin Triangle this thread's equivalent to cats?

Little Gransden Airshow 2014
Is the Tin Triangle this thread's equivalent to cats?

Little Gransden Airshow 2014

Just saying…..

Just saying…..

The cheesy sound effects in these nuclear explosions annoy me...they are the same in just about every one you see.

Here is what it really sounds like - note the EMP can be heard on the recording equipment initially, and the blast sound takes a while to get there:

The cheesy sound effects in these nuclear explosions annoy me...they are the same in just about every one you see.

Here is what it really sounds like - note the EMP can be heard on the recording equipment initially, and the blast sound takes a while to get there:

The thrust of the video was about the performance of the Vulcan (and I suppose the willingness of a major western power to suppress its vulnerability to an airborne nuclear attack given the basis of the MAD deterrent). I think as a historian Mark Felton has done some excellent work and created great content for free on a multitude of subjects. I enjoy Star Wars knowing in space no one can really hear you scream in a vacuum. As someone who may have suffered effects from radiation I am not that fussed what a nuclear bomb sounds like. Given the number of airbases near me and studying the most recent modelling I suspect if the ballon goes up then audio or visual, it will be probably be the last thing I am aware of (if I am lucky given the likely aftermath)
The thrust of the video was about the performance of the Vulcan (and I suppose the willingness of a major western power to suppress its vulnerability to an airborne nuclear attack given the basis of the MAD deterrent). I think as a historian Mark Felton has done some excellent work and created great content for free on a multitude of subjects. I enjoy Star Wars knowing in space no one can really hear you scream in a vacuum. As someone who may have suffered effects from radiation I am not that fussed what a nuclear bomb sounds like. Given the number of airbases near me and studying the most recent modelling I suspect if the ballon goes up then audio or visual, it will be probably be the last thing I am aware of (if I am lucky given the likely aftermath)

Sure - as soon as the clip with sound effects happened I stopped watching, so I'll take your word for the rest.
Sure - as soon as the clip with sound effects happened I stopped watching, so I'll take your word for the rest.
Shame you did not stop typing as well… but always a pleasure to engage.
Shame you did not stop typing as well… but always a pleasure to engage.

Cool story bro...
Listen last word Larry … you screwed up all the space threads for me so I am not letting you get last word on the aviation thread ….
Not sure I follow but on plan A I lose at 1:50 ( as I suspect does @MRC)

I think I live somewhat closer to these obvious military targets than you, and earlier this year when the willy-waving began I did check out blast radii here:

On the positive side (?) when something is about to happen I get prior notice by the very noticeable increase in aircraft noise. Don't think it helps though 🙁
Listen last word Larry … you screwed up all the space threads for me so I am not letting you get last word on the aviation thread ….

I screwed up all the space threads? Not sure how I was able to do that without trying, but if you say so...

You know that this is a discussion forum, right? That threads here rarely stay on track? If this bothers you, you can just ignore my posts...the one above that set you off really wasn’t directed at you specifically, or meant to undermine the video you posted, even though you chose to take it that way...I just thought people might want to hear what it really sounds like, not the sound effects that it seems every film uses.
I screwed up all the space threads? Not sure how I was able to do that without trying, but if you say so...

You know that this is a discussion forum, right? That threads here rarely stay on track? If this bothers you, you can just ignore my posts...the one above that set you off really wasn’t directed at you specifically, or meant to undermine the video you posted, even though you chose to take it that way...I just thought people might want to hear what it really sounds like, not the sound effects that it seems every film uses.

I see why you are a tennis fan. Thanks for condescendingly pointing out this is a discussion forum (not for the first time). I have been a member a while and even pay to support it, so I do no how it rolls. Also I clearly wrote screwed up the space threads for me, which is a subjective personal view I am entitled to hold. Back in the main point I thought the video on the true noise from a nuclear explosion was an interesting post and I think I have seen it before. My discussion point was to highlight that I was just surprised you are so annoyed by ‘cheesy’ explosion sound effects. A real nuclear explosion from a sound standpoint … (and hopefully a some distance away standpoint at that) seems rather dull and suffers a long time delay based on that video. Most of the US government newsreel footage has the edited sound. I imagine a real sci-fi Death Star attack would be equally dull with no sound or orchestra present to add dramatic cinematic impact.
YouTube is increasingly tough for free content providers and I think Mark Felton is good and makes entertaining and interesting free content.
Rather than nit pick on a minor point (noting there was no actual explosion in the Vulcan exercise story) I like to keep it encouraging and positive, recognising that they need to make it an entertaining audio- visual experience for general viewers (as did those early propaganda news reels). Just to cheer you up here is another with some interesting info on a B29. If you can’t stand the faux explosions you can go and view some raw unenhanced infrared James Web images instead :O)

Watching that video... time to move to Australia or New Zealand !
Didn't work for Gregory Peck and Fred Astaire.....