Are you allowed to hangout with Phrog bubbas?
One option to avoid slathering your flight jacket in patches (but still display them) is to do a portable/foldable/hangable patch board that allows Velcro backed patches to be mounted onto it. The Rothco patch board pictured below was a gift from fellow OF member and fellow rotorhead Nasal Radiator @ChuckMK23 …
…Also, may I ask what's the significance or meaning of "not spanking the monkey"?
Somewhere over the Pacific
I hear you…the retired/former Air Force guys at the office are not amused with my awesome belt buckle from the P.I. …too bad, so sad. 😁
LATE ENTRY: Currently at the layover motel…better pic of my awesome belt buckle from the P.I. …
The Navy has a few left in inventory. There are a bunch flown by other countries and other government agencies.