That rebuild cost sounds about right. The other issue I face is Luxembourg won’t allow me to register it because of the APU and also because they don’t believe it’s never been registered before. I loaned it to Lufthansa for a few years and they confirmed it was theirs but could not give me any further information on it. Plan B is to have it registered in Ireland under my brothers name and drive it like that.
C ClaudeRYou live in Luxembourg? What company do you work for, CV?
it will be close to impossible to get your t1 registered here (stupid SNCT/ministère des transports bureaucracy), but you moght get lucky to register it in France, they seem a lot more lenient!
I have friends in SNCT and they told me there is no chance registering it as is. They even said if I turned up with it fully restored as a normal Van with no APU that I would struggle because it has never been registered before.
I left CV in 2000, I have my own company since 2010 brokering aircraft and consulting for airlines on different matters.
C ClaudeRThanks for the reply!
i joined CV in 2000 but left in 2004 when we were merged into what would become CHAMP Cargosystems (I was in IT). Still work there
I do have a PPL so I spend quite some time at the airport still though, if you ever want to have a few drinks and exchange some aviation war stories hit me up!
Where is this hangar? A C-47, Ford Trimotor and a B-17 Flying Fortress. Would love to see all these up close.
A wild one ....Sikorsky S-55?
I am guessing a Bell UH1 because of the two main rotor blades and counter balance weights but I am happy to be corrected.
It is a UH-1. There's a B-25 hiding behind the C-47 too!
G-ASYD has a really interesting history when you google her. I saw a photo of the cockpit and there is a beautiful mechanical 8 day clock on the Captains panel lower left but I can't see what's written on it.
I believe the clocks on Concorde were made by Omega, rather fitting for this forum 😀
You are spot on, they're indeed Omega's. There is a chap who regularly lists one on eBay north of $50k. I took down the part number and all technical references and did my upmost to find it in the aftermarket with no luck. I even called in favours in Air France to see if one could be turned up. I gave up after about six months and went back to collecting my normal Breitling and JLC clocks and selling them to my local Omega AD.