Congrats looks really nice. I imagine it was a big decision but something tells me it will bring you years of happiness. We are all at different levels here financially, more power to all those who can afford those extremely beautiful 5 or six figure watches. For about 3 days I had enough cash for a nice explorer or that level of Rolex and I did seriously look at the sales threads here but I put it out of my mind and went back into investments which was the original plan. I just need to be wise but I’m all for anyone who can afford both. I don’t get watch envy that often here which is good, I’m happy for people who have achieved success and are able to own these nice things. I have lived in abundance, and I’ve lived in poverty, I have learned the secret of being happy in both. One day I may get a DJ or something of the like. But if not I’ll be fine, enjoy that dang beautiful watch.