Speedy Tintin information gathering

OK, with these numbers the question becomes somewhat realistic: if anyone wants to trade my new in box TinTin for a ST2 Ultraman, let me know
Just looked for another reason, a Tintin listed at $10,402
Hell, if someone wants to drop that kinda cash on it, who I’m to stop him/her? I just think asking prices and what’s actually being paid differ. I’m guessing the real figures around 5k. Which is still pretty big leap in a years time.
There's another mint, full set for sale in Singapore. SGD8K which works out to be around USD5.8K. If you guys have friends/relatives located here, might be worth a look.

My graph has the last sale at $7,316
I sure hope that was new. The last real sale we saw was for $5900+ used.
I had a conversation with a well known watch seller who mostly sells Rolex. He said he has constant demand for locating TinTin’s. He has sold two in recent weeks. Both over $8000 each. These are reliably going to be $10k by January 2019. Get them while you can. Destination Moon no kidding!
I had a conversation with a well known watch seller who mostly sells Rolex. He said he has constant demand for locating TinTin’s. He has sold two in recent weeks. Both over $8000 each. These are reliably going to be $10k by January 2019. Get them while you can. Destination Moon no kidding!
Do you know if those were NOS, or used? I imagine they had to be new for $8k+
I really can't wrap my head around all these people demanding tintins all of a sudden. All I remember reading before purchasing my tinitn were that most people fit into two camps--either it's ugly, or not too ugly. I'm guessing most of these people demanding tintins all of a sudden are purely looking at it as an investment piece, and couldn't care less what it looks like!
Do you know if those were NOS, or used? I imagine they had to be new for $8k+
I really can't wrap my head around all these people demanding tintins all of a sudden. All I remember reading before purchasing my tinitn were that most people fit into two camps--either it's ugly, or not too ugly. I'm guessing most of these people demanding tintins all of a sudden are purely looking at it as an investment piece, and couldn't care less what it looks like!

I did not ask but since he is a reseller I imagine he bought them used and sold them for a profit.
Do you know if those were NOS, or used? I imagine they had to be new for $8k+
I really can't wrap my head around all these people demanding tintins all of a sudden. All I remember reading before purchasing my tinitn were that most people fit into two camps--either it's ugly, or not too ugly. I'm guessing most of these people demanding tintins all of a sudden are purely looking at it as an investment piece, and couldn't care less what it looks like!

Have you seen one in the metal?
It was undesired when I had the hankering for one.
Photos don't do it justice.
It screams from across the room.
Thank goodness I pulled the trigger on one before the value was realized.
Do you know if those were NOS, or used? I imagine they had to be new for $8k+
I really can't wrap my head around all these people demanding tintins all of a sudden. All I remember reading before purchasing my tinitn were that most people fit into two camps--either it's ugly, or not too ugly. I'm guessing most of these people demanding tintins all of a sudden are purely looking at it as an investment piece, and couldn't care less what it looks like!

Pictures fail this watch... actually scratch that poor photographers fail this watch. Out of every 10 Instagram posts maybe 3 look worthwhile.
Pictures fail this watch... actually scratch that poor photographers fail this watch. Out of every 10 Instagram posts maybe 3 look worthwhile.
I don't know, I think there have been plenty of good photos of the tintin uploaded here. I get that the color of the dial is pleasing, and the fake-step has an impact when you're tilting the watch in the light--but I look at mine, and I look at photos here, and I don't see anything new the jumps out at me. I certainly get that it's a special watch (otherwise I wouldn't have wasted money in 2015 before the bandwagon folks came along), but I really don't get why everyone always says it looks so much better in person. Maybe my eyes just aren't as discerning--you really shouldn't need a macro lens to get a good impression of the dial.
I don't know, I think there have been plenty of good photos of the tintin uploaded here. I get that the color of the dial is pleasing, and the fake-step has an impact when you're tilting the watch in the light--but I look at mine, and I look at photos here, and I don't see anything new the jumps out at me. I certainly get that it's a special watch (otherwise I wouldn't have wasted money in 2015 before the bandwagon folks came along), but I really don't get why everyone always says it looks so much better in person. Maybe my eyes just aren't as discerning--you really shouldn't need a macro lens to get a good impression of the dial.

I think you owning it for 3 years normalized it to you. At first a friend at Omega said he was sending me one and I was not sure if I’d like it but when I opened the box it was a major Wow and I’d seen it many many times online. It’s not about Macro. It’s about people using flash and trying too hard to match it to random objects.

My graph has the last sale at $7,316

The price that Chrono24 gives is not "the last sale"
Today is 6400€ !!!
Put your mouse pointer next to the price on the i (information) to see what i mean!

It writes:
"We estimate the estimated value based on different price data. These include actual sales prices as well as current watch offer prices in Chrono24. If the available data is insufficient, we also take into account past bid prices. With the help of empirical fluctuation, we also calculate an interval within which the value of your clock will move with sufficient probability"
Do you know if those were NOS, or used? I imagine they had to be new for $8k+
I really can't wrap my head around all these people demanding tintins all of a sudden. All I remember reading before purchasing my tinitn were that most people fit into two camps--either it's ugly, or not too ugly. I'm guessing most of these people demanding tintins all of a sudden are
purely looking at it as an investment piece, and couldn't care less what it looks like!

Not sure why you would think they were NOS to realize that price, especially considering people are reaching out to that seller and there probably aren't many NOS pieces out there.

I wasn't enamored with it until I got it. Pictures definitely don't do it justice and it's much more wearable than I thought it'd be.

Pictures fail this watch... actually scratch that poor photographers fail this watch. Out of every 10 Instagram posts maybe 3 look worthwhile.

I think you're being generous.
Why would anyone think that instagramers would provide good pictures is beyond me..