路To simplify things, prices are determined by supply and demand.
A rough guide will be a search under chxxxx24 and wxxxx recon. If none or only a couple of pcs for sale, then it is a sellers market and expect prices to creep up. If tons for sale, buyers need not rush into it and prices tend to be more negotiable/stable.
For the Tintin, my personal take is they will increase in value till maybe $12-13K as supply is dwindling and no further re-editions will be produced every few years.
Thanks for the info. There are only 3 left on chr*** the last I checked, one of which is already reserved. The remaining two are listed up for approx 8.5k-9.5k usd. There were quite a few tintins available not more than a month ago, and it seems they were all snapped up. I guess it's wait and see time now...