Speedy Tintin information gathering

Quick noob question,
Does hegre/moulinsart(or whoever the owners of tintin are), mind if we take photos of the watch alongside the comics or other tintin memorabilia?
I mean it's not being used for commercial purposes. Neither is it to sully the tintin name.
Can they take legal action if it's for personal use(sharing with friends) and if we legally own the merchandise?
Aren't we all proud owners who love tintin?

Not looking for a definitive legal, all encompassing answer.. Just some insight.
Quick noob question,
Does hegre/moulinsart(or whoever the owners of tintin are), mind if we take photos of the watch alongside the comics or other tintin memorabilia?
I mean it's not being used for commercial purposes. Neither is it to sully the tintin name.
Can they take legal action if it's for personal use(sharing with friends) and if we legally own the merchandise?
Aren't we all proud owners who love tintin?

Not looking for a definitive legal, all encompassing answer.. Just some insight.
I'm not legal expert but I think they'll not mind you doing that. So long as you don't use them commercially or exploit the name they should let you do that. I've seen many photographs with TinTin comics and this watch here and elsewhere including an article on Fratellowatches.com. Normally nobody minds such innocent publicity either. Just my 2c.
Interesting Q 😀

I was at a Tintin expo in Lausanne this winter with my kids, a mini-version of the big one that was in Paris at the same time... I took a few shots of some rather "common" stuff (it's all there was there, really, the big stuff was all in Paris...)... and some security guy came by and told me to stop taking any pics.

So, the Herge foundation is still pretty anal about controlling their image... 😉

( I can happily share pics with you guys if you want, happy to PO them 😁 No watch stuff though )
Quick noob question,
Does hegre/moulinsart(or whoever the owners of tintin are), mind if we take photos of the watch alongside the comics or other tintin memorabilia?
I mean it's not being used for commercial purposes. Neither is it to sully the tintin name.
Can they take legal action if it's for personal use(sharing with friends) and if we legally own the merchandise?
Aren't we all proud owners who love tintin?

Not looking for a definitive legal, all encompassing answer.. Just some insight.

Pun Pun
I'm not legal expert but I think they'll not mind you doing that. So long as you don't use them commercially or exploit the name they should let you do that. I've seen many photographs with TinTin comics and this watch here and elsewhere including an article on Fratellowatches.com. Normally nobody minds such innocent publicity either. Just my 2c.
Normally, sure--but this Moulinsart SA group is marching to its own beat. They'll sue anyone if they think they have a case.

Remember that rather disappointing Tintin movie from a number of years back? Here's a relevant read:

Interesting Q 😀

I was at a Tintin expo in Lausanne this winter with my kids, a mini-version of the big one that was in Paris at the same time... I took a few shots of some rather "common" stuff (it's all there was there, really, the big stuff was all in Paris...)... and some security guy came by and told me to stop taking any pics.

So, the Herge foundation is still pretty anal about controlling their image... 😉

( I can happily share pics with you guys if you want, happy to PO them 😁 No watch stuff though )
That's putting it mildly. Generally I fully support having the family of inventors and artists retain control over their creations, but in this case... I read this article and cheered.
Seems that the widow and the new husband were aware of Herge signing away the rights, but still went along happily suing everyone for years. Nice. Are they still going around suing everyone they can? Not sure if that policy has changed.
So, I know this guy... who says he knows how many TinTin's Speedy's were made...

Except this guy is named Jean-Claude Monachon, VP of Omega Product Development. Actually, to be fair, he didn't say he knew precisely how many. Jean-Claude was at an Omega event last night that many of us here on OF attended, and while I had the chance, I asked him about our little Tintin Speedy. When I asked how many were produced, he initially said "two"... he thought I was asking about how many variations of the dial were made. He did reveal something new there. He said there were initially two prototype dials made, one is in the museum, and the other is in his desk 😁

When I clarified that i wanted to know how many pieces were made in the production racing edition... he nodded in an understanding way, looked up at the sky for a moment, and said... "about 3000 I think?".. clearly he didn't have the precise figure off the top of his head, and it looked to me like the 3000 number was an educated guesstimate on his part, but you know what... that's the most authoritative response I've ever received to this question. He did not have any reluctance to give an answer, he just didn't know the exact figure on demand.

So, I've revised my initial post in this thread, to reflect my new estimate, 3000.
So, I know this guy... who says he knows how many TinTin's Speedy's were made...

Except this guy is named Jean-Claude Monachon, VP of Omega Product Development. Actually, to be fair, he didn't say he knew precisely how many. Jean-Claude was at an Omega event last night that many of us here on OF attended, and while I had the chance, I asked him about our little Tintin Speedy. When I asked how many were produced, he initially said "two"... he thought I was asking about how many variations of the dial were made. He did reveal something new there. He said there were initially two prototype dials made, one is in the museum, and the other is in his desk 😁

When I clarified that i wanted to know how many pieces were made in the production racing edition... he nodded in an understanding way, looked up at the sky for a moment, and said... "about 3000 I think?".. clearly he didn't have the precise figure off the top of his head, and it looked to me like the 3000 number was an educated guesstimate on his part, but you know what... that's the most authoritative response I've ever received to this question. He did not have any reluctance to give an answer, he just didn't know the exact figure on demand.

So, I've revised my initial post in this thread, to reflect my new estimate, 3000.
That he could come up with a number on-the-fly is impressive. Either he has a good memory, or he must consider that model to be pretty memorable 😀 Either way, seems like that's about the best answer we're ever going to get. At least we know it's not upwards of 4,000-5,000.

So, the bigger question--now that we know that there's another tintin prototype (and where it is)... how do we hire the A-Team to "liberate" it? 😁

Thanks for taking that opportunity to ask.
Was never really impressed with this model, but the great photos in this thread are sparking my interests in it again!
Was never really impressed with this model, but the great photos in this thread are sparking my interests in it again!
As others have stated, it looks more impressive in person. I wasn't a huge fan when I first saw it. From only the omega database photo, most would agree that the look is clearly inferior to the (far more subtle) japan racing dial. Look at the Tintin enough in person, and it grows on you.

Hint: you'll get some favorable comments if you wear it at the Indy Speedway 😁
Hint: you'll get some favorable comments if you wear it at the Indy Speedway 😁

I bet! I head up to the F1 in Montreal occasionally and can picture it up there!
Hi everyone, been hanging around for a couple of months since I woke up on morning with an Omega Speedmaster worm in my ear. Have added a choc faced model and just acquired a Tintin after finding this thread...thanks everyone. Anyway serial number seems higher than the rest...778127xx
Cheers [emoji41]
Hi everyone, been hanging around for a couple of months since I woke up on morning with an Omega Speedmaster worm in my ear. Have added a choc faced model and just acquired a Tintin after finding this thread...thanks everyone. Anyway serial number seems higher than the rest...778127xx
Cheers [emoji41]
Congrats on your purchase--and your first post 😉
If you don't mind my asking, when and where did you acquire it? The higher serials make me curious.
...sorry, time wise was early April 2017
Interesting that we've only seen 778xxxxxx serials surface in the last 6 months or so. The model has been discontinued for a good year now--I guess it took that long for the last batch to hit the market? People who ordered new ones through ADs/OBs around this time last year were still in the 777* range, and there weren't anymore to be had (authorized purchase at least). Just about all of the 778* serials have come through resellers or non-authorized vendors if I'm not mistaken?
The plot thickens! I am a bit surprised it would take that long for the last batch to get out there. You would think they'd want to eliminate stock as quickly as possible.
Just pulled the trigger on one, can't wait to get it in my hands.
As others have stated, it looks more impressive in person. I wasn't a huge fan when I first saw it. From only the omega database photo, most would agree that the look is clearly inferior to the (far more subtle) japan racing dial. Look at the Tintin enough in person, and it grows on you.

Hint: you'll get some favorable comments if you wear it at the Indy Speedway 😁
I am so happy.About 2 hours ago I found a TinTin on EBay and the seller was local. I met him and it was in perfect condition and got a fantastic deal.The added bonus is I will be wearing it at this years Indy 500 which I have seats in lower level turn one.I will also take my Tag Heuer Indy 500 watch.It should be a blast.Pictures to follow
As others have stated, it looks more impressive in person. I wasn't a huge fan when I first saw it. From only the omega database photo, most would agree that the look is clearly inferior to the (far more subtle) japan racing dial. Look at the Tintin enough in person, and it grows on you.

Hint: you'll get some favorable comments if you wear it at the Indy Speedway 😁
I can't wait to now attend with my new TinTin