··This Space for Rentyou'll have to define 'reasonable price' 😁 They seem to be selling in the $10k USD +/- $1k range these days.
Biggest regret was not grabbing a tin tin when it was offered to me by a boutique. Purchased a plain black over the tin tin. If anyone selling one for a reasonable price, hit me up please.
It's kind of interesting. They weren't the hottest sellers. I also remember being offered with not a huge mark up a couple of years after release. Obviously, also regret not picking it up.
Right now I have 180 movement numbers ranging from 77682xxx to 78786xxx
I think the general guestimate is somewhere between 1500-2000.
Apologies, I’ve gone back 5 pages but can’t see anything. In order to save me going through all 160(!) could someone give me the rough consensus as to how many of these were produced?
I was told that there was an unique batch of 400 dials produced...