Speedy Tintin information gathering

The saying I guess could go “if it bitches and whines then it’s a bitch and a whine”.

I’m not selling anything. I’m keeping One TinTin and I’ve worked a trade deal for my extra for a Daytona.

Value up or down is now more of your concern than mine as I don’t have a dog in that hunt. You however are easily offended by the increasing interest and I’m sure you will work through that over time, eventually. My diagnosis is that ultimately you will be fine.
Plan the man not the ball much? My diagnosis is you will run along when the next bubble appears. Amen to that day.
Plan the man not the ball much? My diagnosis is you will run along when the next bubble appears. Amen to that day.

I don’t chew gum. It’s not good for the jaw. But thanks for the discussion.
There was an earlier discussion in regards to Authetic Watches selling the $15,000 TinTin

I called Authetic Watches twice out of curiosity and the first call I was told the watch was out of stock and it was likely just SOLD.

Later I saw it was still on the website and called again.

This time I was told it wasn’t yet SOLD and was currently still available. It was explained that a Buyer or two had been making offers and agents were periodically holding the watch for price approval.

It’s still there and they will negotiate but the most Authentic Watches will take off $15,000 price wise is 10%.

The most interesting part of the conversation was Authetic Watches said the TinTin was the watch they received the most calls about with the Rolex Hulk coming in second.

Lastly the TinTin from Authentic Watches is new old stock but doesn’t come with the warranty card so it’s $15,000 for an incomplete set.

$15,000 and no paperwork??? This is out of hand.
Chrono24 has settled in. varies from $7500 to $9500 approx. These are all outside the US. No wild prices on Chrono24.
I would not mind getting a out of hand price. The offers I get are stupid. Maybe I need a qualifier, "I ain't broke" "mother does not need an operation" or something.
from that single photo (which is not great for this purpose) I would pass on that strap.
It’s picture time!

I can’t believe that I am still following the thread and admiring the beauty of the Tintin after all these years. However of late in the midst of all the hypes and speculations, I can’t help but to question the number of Tintins claimed to be in circulation (<2000pcs).

Assuming 100 out of the 195 countries have a market with decent watch demands, surely we do expect more than 20pcs of these beauties circulating in each of the countries?

I happened to know a few private collectors who each holds a quarter dozen Tintins in my small country. There are also a handful of full sets listed on a local e-commerce site at way lower price than what’s advertised by some here. I will also not be surprised to hear if Omega had allocated a couple hundreds of these beauties each to watch markets like Japan and the US.

Anyone who shares my thought?
I’m with you. We should try to figure out how many Tintins were made!
It’s picture time!

I can’t believe that I am still following the thread and admiring the beauty of the Tintin after all these years. However of late in the midst of all the hypes and speculations, I can’t help but to question the number of Tintins claimed to be in circulation (<2000pcs).

Assuming 100 out of the 195 countries have a market with decent watch demands, surely we do expect more than 20pcs of these beauties circulating in each of the countries?

I happened to know a few private collectors who each holds a quarter dozen Tintins in my small country. There are also a handful of full sets listed on a local e-commerce site at way lower price than what’s advertised by some here. I will also not be surprised to hear if Omega had allocated a couple hundreds of these beauties each to watch markets like Japan and the US.

Anyone who shares my thought?

Let’s not devolve into overly confirmed ideas. Most TinTin’s were only distributed to Asia. Robert-Jan confirmed that executives told him there are less than 2000 and others in this thread know others at Omega who have confirmed as well.
Let’s not devolve into overly confirmed ideas. Most TinTin’s were only distributed to Asia. Robert-Jan confirmed that executives told him there are less than 2000 and others in this thread know others at Omega who have confirmed as well.
Well, I certainly don’t feel like I’m one in twenty lucky owners. Given all the Walmart stories here, it sure doesn’t seem like most are distributed to Asia. As much as price is concerned, the growth is mutual and relative to other classic pieces and brands. Well just my alternative view. My love for this watch is nothing but the same.
Well, I certainly don’t feel like I’m one in twenty lucky owners. Given all the Walmart stories here, it sure doesn’t seem like most are distributed to Asia. As much as price is concerned, the growth is mutual and relative to other classic pieces and brands. Well just my alternative view. My love for this watch is nothing but the same.

After the initial release and the Asian market confusion. Omega redistributed a good portion of the unsold watches. Keep in mind we are 6 years past the release. These are all over the world now.

A nice anecdote I went to a recent watch weekend event and in one city I must have seen 5 Speedy Tuesday 1’s. Smallish city mind you. We know ST1’s have 2012 produced. Scarcity and rarity doesn’t mean unavailable. Heck I know someone with a Hodinkee Speedmaster and there’s only 500 of those.
Most TinTin’s were only distributed to Asia.

That is utter nonsense.

They were available everywhere, non LE, and very unpopular with AD buyers, when released at Basel.

You could pick one up easily in an OB throughout 2016 - at one point in 2016 (and I know, because I was trying to get a deal based on how much stock was sitting around), the London OBs alone had 2-3 a piece.

And an AD (through a member here) ordered me a brand new one from Swatch Group stock, in mid 2016 - when they also had good availability.

This was, and continues to be an decisive design - you love it, or you don’t.

It wasn’t made for Asia, nor did Asian markets get the lions share.

Every market had great availability before the hype started - because no one wanted to buy this model.
Tintins were available at a number of Costco stores in the U.S. early last year. Clearly the ADs and grey market sellers couldn't get rid of them if they ended up at Costco.
After the initial release and the Asian market confusion. Omega redistributed a good portion of the unsold watches. Keep in mind we are 6 years past the release. These are all over the world now.

A nice anecdote I went to a recent watch weekend event and in one city I must have seen 5 Speedy Tuesday 1’s. Smallish city mind you. We know ST1’s have 2012 produced. Scarcity and rarity doesn’t mean unavailable. Heck I know someone with a Hodinkee Speedmaster and there’s only 500 of those.

That logic about observed vs out there is rubbish. The ST and Hodinkee only sold to collectors that would wear the newest to a meetup. The Tin Tins sat unsold for years and went to non collectors in many cases.

Great I got involved with this thread FML.
That logic about observed vs out there is rubbish. The ST and Hodinkee only sold to collectors that would wear the newest to a meetup. The Tin Tins sat unsold for years and went to non collectors in many cases.

Great I got involved with this thread FML.
I know exactly how you feel 😁
Not that it matters where the Tintins finally came to rest, is there still the consensus there are only 1500-2000 specimens out in the wilds.