Speedmaster 38

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well and had a great weekend. I’m looking to get my first luxury watch and have decided to go for a Speedmaster 38 (Reference: 324. due in part to my small wrists. I’ve gone to all the local ADs and even the boutique in my area (Miami) to see the colors and briefly discussed pricing with the sales people. At Mayors the gentleman told me that the market has changed and that discounts that could be had before can no longer be had. At Westime, I mentioned I was going to see other colors at the Boutique, and the sales person told me that if I returned he’d take off the taxes. And at the boutique, I touched the aspect of a discount and he told me that since they are selling direct they don’t do anything. I’m not entirely familiar with the Omega market and from my research on the forum I have seen that Omega seems to be cutting back on ADs offering deals and that the Boutique generally doesn’t discount anything. Having said that I have seen some people getting the Boutique to throw in some bands or discount the taxes. Do any of you fine folks think that a deal could be had, or is the market really that bad? Alternatively do you have any contacts in the South Florida region that would want to make a deal through an AD or Boutique? I want to make sure my watch has the Omega warranty. I’m only 25 years old and when I walk into these stores I feel so out of place and I sense that they feel it too, but the last thing I want is to be taken advantage of. Thank you all in advance!
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I'm not sure what the market is there, but there's no shame in asking whether there will be any Christmas specials like Save The Tax, then just see what they offer.

As an 8 year old kid, a mom at a family friend taught me an important lesson while I was staying there overnight. "If you want to eat anything just ask. I won't know if you dont ask."

Consider the guy who forced himself to not be shy, by asking unreasonable questions like, "Can I get a burger refill please?" Don't be shy to ask.
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I'm not sure what the market is there, but there's no shame in asking whether there will be any Christmas specials like Save The Tax, then just see what they offer.

As an 8 year old kid, a mom at a family friend taught me an important lesson while I was staying there overnight. "If you want to eat anything just ask. I won't know if you dont ask."

Consider the guy who forced himself to not be shy, by asking unreasonable questions like, "Can I get a burger refill please?" Don't be shy to ask.
Thank you for the insight. Since posting this I actually reached out shops (local and out of state) via email and basically pinned them against each other. I managed to get a local AD to meet me at $5050 OTD and I managed to get an out of state AD to price me at $4800 shipped. The out of state AD has actually been upgraded to Boutique status in the recent months but I’m a little nervous of buying out of state. Anything I should look out for? Should I just pay $250 more and get it in person? The $4800 offer came in after I got the local AD to $5050 so I guess I still have the option of getting the local to try to match the $4800 price or come closer. Would love anyone’s take. Thanks.
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As your first watch pay a little more and stay local. You need a little hand holdkng and I think you need to see and fondle the watch, also to have it sized.
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From what I understand, Omega is stopping discounts all together and if an AD is caught giving discounts, they will have their status pulled.
As your first watch pay a little more and stay local. You need a little hand holdkng and I think you need to see and fondle the watch, also to have it sized.
I appreciate the insight. Just so I know what to look out for when you say hand holding, could you elaborate? Thanks
From what I understand, Omega is stopping discounts all together and if an AD is caught giving discounts, they will have their status pulled.
I’ve been hearing that tossed around but the question is, is this something that will affect me at all? Sounds like it’ll affect the AD only?
Thank you for the insight. Since posting this I actually reached out shops (local and out of state) via email and basically pinned them against each other. I managed to get a local AD to meet me at $5050 OTD and I managed to get an out of state AD to price me at $4800 shipped. The out of state AD has actually been upgraded to Boutique status in the recent months but I’m a little nervous of buying out of state. Anything I should look out for? Should I just pay $250 more and get it in person? The $4800 offer came in after I got the local AD to $5050 so I guess I still have the option of getting the local to try to match the $4800 price or come closer. Would love anyone’s take. Thanks.
I’m confused by “recently upgraded to boutique status”. A boutique is owned by Omega. An AD is not but still has to follow Omega rules or risk having status pulled. I was told Omega is doing away with this as ADs were basically undercutting the boutiques. It would be like going Rolex boutique in Switzerland and paying MSRP or going down the street and paying 20% less at an AD. Kind of cheapens the name imo.

I’ve been hearing that tossed around but the question is, is this something that will affect me at all? Sounds like it’ll affect the AD only?
Not at an OB but yes at an AD. My advice is if you plan to buy more Omegas in the future and possibly want hard to get models, buy from an OB and build a relationship. It will pay off. I got my 321 after waiting 6 months and my Snoopy after a year. Also got offered a platinum 321 and the titanium gmt and a panda moonshine which I came very close to buying……that is one sexy watch.
I’m confused by “recently upgraded to boutique status”. A boutique is owned by Omega. An AD is not but still has to follow Omega rules or risk having status pulled. I was told Omega is doing away with this as ADs were basically undercutting the boutiques. It would be like going Rolex boutique in Switzerland and paying MSRP or going down the street and paying 20% less at an AD. Kind of cheapens the name imo.
So the way it was explained to me is that the business originally started as an AD but they bought the retail store next door and made it exclusively omega so it essentially reads as an omega standalone store, and as such Omega has them listed as a Boutique on their website.
I appreciate the insight. Just so I know what to look out for when you say hand holding, could you elaborate? Thanks
Making sure rhe watch is working properly, it's sized for your wrist, paperwork complete AND to have someone to take care of any issues that may crop up post-sale. Peace of mind.
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Not at an OB but yes at an AD. My advice is if you plan to buy more Omegas in the future and possibly want hard to get models, buy from an OB and build a relationship. It will pay off. I got my 321 after waiting 6 months and my Snoopy after a year. Also got offered a platinum 321 and the titanium gmt and a panda moonshine which I came very close to buying……that is one sexy watch.
Unfortunately for me, fortunately for you, it seems you have way more disposable income than I haha. The moonshine panda is definitely beautiful but at this point it is only an aspiration haha.
I agree as well, buy local and from an OB unless it’s a discontinued model. Any problems and you can just hand it to the OB and they will make you good again.
Making sure rhe watch is working properly, it's sized for your wrist, paperwork complete AND to have someone to take care of any issues that may crop up post-sale. Peace of mind.
Thank you. I guess I should’ve elaborated that my “local” AD with the $250 more offer is about 2 hours away so they’re not 100% local. Just definitely kore local than the one across the country.
Unfortunately for me, fortunately for you, it seems you have way more disposable income than I haha. The moonshine panda is definitely beautiful but at this point it is only an aspiration haha.
That’s what I mean. You start with what you can at the OB and years later when you can afford it, you can get allocated better stuff. It’s a years long work in progress. And I have my aspiration stuff too lol. My exit watches will be a DD platinum with ice blue dial and a 321 Platinum with Onyx dial. Still got some years before I reach that status though lol.
That’s what I mean. You start with what you can at the OB and years later when you can afford it, you can get allocated better stuff. It’s a years long work in progress. And I have my aspiration stuff too lol. My exit watches will be a DD platinum with ice blue dial and a 321 Platinum with Onyx dial. Still got some years before I reach that status though lol.
I’ve been hearing that tossed around, but (and this could just be my pure ignorance) what if the sales guy quits? Isn’t your reputation at the OB basically reset at that point?
I’ve been hearing that tossed around, but (and this could just be my pure ignorance) what if the sales guy quits? Isn’t your reputation at the OB basically reset at that point?
Depends but assuming the manager or other SA see you in there, they can vouch for you. I have who I deal with regularly but I also chat it up with other SA and manager…..but I’m also a very chatty person.
Depends but assuming the manager or other SA see you in there, they can vouch for you. I have who I deal with regularly but I also chat it up with other SA and manager…..but I’m also a very chatty person.
Interesting… thanks for the perspective. Now, completely acknowledging the points you made for an OB, is there anything I lose by going AD with a discount, besides the possibility of rare watches in the future? Isn’t it the same 5 year warranty as long as it’s an OB or AD?
Interesting… thanks for the perspective. Now, completely acknowledging the points you made for an OB, is there anything I lose by going AD with a discount, besides the possibility of rare watches in the future? Isn’t it the same 5 year warranty as long as it’s an OB or AD?
I wouldn't put that much thought into cultivating a relationship with an OB at this point. Take a slight discount from an AD. Warranty is the same.
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Most Omega ADs in Florida are now part of big chains and they do not offer discounts anymore. You need to find a locally owned AD (if any exist in your area). If you are willing to drive to Naples, Exquisite Timepieces is an independent AD and also sell pre-owned watches — they currently have several pre-owned Speedmaster racing models listed on their website at a substantial discount. I suspect most of them still have some of the warranty left if that is important to you.
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