1 - Are you omitting David, the Museum Watchmaker, on purpose? I am not referring to the Archives 🤦
2 - Yes, sorry, I don't see. I have a feeling you're stuck on some reference cases and don't want to consider any other possibilities.
3 - If the only thing I can do about it at this stage is to bark about on a public forum, yes. I am not intending to start a crusade against anybody.
4 - Please, I will simply keep quiet and read your posts about injustice from now on.
You might be wrong about that... There's nothing different here. 👎
It already happened my friend. I have been scammed last year and my bank nor authorities haven't really been concerned about it. Indeed, nobody helped me and I know exactly how it feels.
It's sometimes hard for me non-native english speaker to write in these highly sensitive threads - again my thoughts or the way I explain myself are being misinterpreted and that's not good as well.
The only thing I wrote in my first post here was that IF I was the owner of such a watch I would love to know where to knock on and ask for help. It might be here OR it might be the Museum or somebody who knows something about those watches, based on several examples observed. I didn't expect this to escalate so fast. Guys keep calm and enjoy the summer...
1 - Are you omitting David, the Museum Watchmaker, on purpose? I am not referring to the Archives 🤦
2 - Yes, sorry, I don't see. I have a feeling you're stuck on some reference cases and don't want to consider any other possibilities.
3 - If the only thing I can do about it at this stage is to bark about on a public forum, yes. I am not intending to start a crusade against anybody.
4 - Please, I will simply keep quiet and read your posts about injustice from now on.
Maybe you come from a country where the culture says it's okay to rip people off, but it's not okay in either mine or Chris' nation
You might be wrong about that... There's nothing different here. 👎
These two lines tell me a LOT about your character, kov - and it's not good. How would you like it if you were a victim and nobody helped you?
It already happened my friend. I have been scammed last year and my bank nor authorities haven't really been concerned about it. Indeed, nobody helped me and I know exactly how it feels.
It's sometimes hard for me non-native english speaker to write in these highly sensitive threads - again my thoughts or the way I explain myself are being misinterpreted and that's not good as well.
The only thing I wrote in my first post here was that IF I was the owner of such a watch I would love to know where to knock on and ask for help. It might be here OR it might be the Museum or somebody who knows something about those watches, based on several examples observed. I didn't expect this to escalate so fast. Guys keep calm and enjoy the summer...