·When I was younger I probably did not have the correct mindset to carry a gun and I didn't, then I had kids; now I carry nearly everywhere.
When I was younger I probably did not have the correct mindset to carry a gun and I didn't
Since the new Florida gun laws are hitting close to home, I was talking to my wife about the minimum age limit rising from 18-21. I asked her if I was officially becoming an old man because from a safety standpoint (and remembering my own youth) I actually kind of agree. So there's that, but then from a constitutional standpoint I hate it. Death by a thousand cuts, as they say.
...When you are in fear for you life you will shoot like an idiot. You won't even know what happened. The course of events will surprise you. It will not go as planned or as you imagine.
Unless you are training in high stress, you won't perform in high stress...
But the round hit the ground about 3 feet in front of the bear, spraying it with fragments of river rocks from our landscaping.
We have mega bear problems here, and little we can do about it. Black bears are highly protected, a Felony in fact, if shot maliciously. Its illegal to even touch a dead one.
But as for the shot going errant, it's very common due to loss of fine motor skills. Jerking is exactly what will happen under stress.
If anyone is ever in a self defense class and they teach you to line up sights and make a smooth trigger pull at an attacker, leave immediately and get your money back. Not even close to reality. A basic point at arms length and reflexive snap of the trigger is what will happen, and all that can be expected.
I was taught years ago, in a high stress self defense shoot, aim for the head. Why? because the body follows the head, and your going to hit about 3ft low due to trigger jerking at a typical self defense distance, arriving at a solid body shot. The only reasonably effective way to stop a threat in that scenario is a hit to the torso. Limb shots don't bother anybody in the heat of the moment. True head shot? Impossible under stress.
Here's my little buddy from a couple years ago. They don't sell bear proof trash bins here so we put them out as late as possible. They learn. This is actually early morning just before sunrise and he triggered the driveway lights. Put out the trash maybe 5 minutes before...he was waiting.
A few days earlier, I was out in the yard watching a meteor shower just before dawn. Was looking straight up but I sensed a figure nearby. Looked down and he was *right next to me*, almost touching me. I could have patted him on the head. It was so dark he didn't see me, and the wind was blowing away from us so didn't smell me either. He stopped, wagged his head back and forth like he knew something was near, but then moved forward and wandered off to the woods. If he had got startled next to me it would have ended very badly I think. His head was as high as my chest. Here's another fun fact..I was literally frozen in place. It took a few moments for my body to relax and move, as much as I wanted to move the instant he walked off. The term "freezing from fear" is real and can happen too. I literally knew better and still couldn't move. Next time might be different now that I have experienced it, though I would prefer there is not a next time.
At least it doesn't look like it is cocked.
Here's a link to a big bear