So... any of our members here have an interest in firearms?

I finally finished up refinishing a stock for a Remington 1100 that I have. The stock was caught in a flood, About six inches end of the stock the butt plate area was under water for 5 days. I left the shotgun at my cottage standing in a corner of a closet on the butt plate. The finish on these old Remington is sure tough. The stock looked like dumpster material. I stripped the finish the wood was sound so I refinished the stock. The end result was worth the effort. Many aspects of gun collecting I enjoy tinkering with this stuff.
Here you go meet Buddy he's sitting in a duck boat waiting to retrieve He loves that vest
Here you go meet Buddy he's sitting in a duck boat waiting to retrieve He loves that vest
Here's my retriever. Named Miller. After the beer. Loves to swim, but hates gunfire. I leave him home.
I had to break Buddy into not getting spooked from gunfire. When he was a pup eight weeks old. I would take him to a sportsmans club. I would take him over to the trap and skeet range and we would sit and watch the shooters. It took awhile to break him into gunfire. Plus when I would feed him I would take him in my yard and fire off a starter pistol.

After awhile gunfire did not phase him. He's a great dog for ducks. It takes a lot of training and time but once the dog knows what to do watching him in action is a real pleasure for me. If he sees a long gun he will follow me around like a puppy. He figures it's hunting time. He is also a great family pet.
Dogs are great! The more people I meet, the better I like my dog. He goes everywhere with me, except to the range.
Looks to be in tip-top condition Wryfox. Do you know any history of the piece that you would share?
German mg34 made 1939. 8mm Mauser.

Only have this and a Browning 1919 now. Used to have a bunch but sold them back in 1999 when prices skyrocketed due to Y2K scare. I'll dig up some pics.

I've shot just about every mg ever made.

Take a guess at my favorite to shoot. (Hint, not this one)

Since you still have this one and the Model 1919, and you say this one isn't your favorite, I'm gonna guess it's the Model 1919.

Surely you've kept an example of your favorite.
Ha! Trick question...its neither.

My favorite of all was the FN FNC (223 NATO). Smoothest shooting MG ever. Steady, on target, very controllable. I've probably shot over 100 different kinds of MGs and this was hands down the best. Loved it.

IF I were to own another MG it would be this one...they run around $10k right now so unlikely I will be adding to the collection.
Quiz for the day...what is this? (Hint:It's out of this world)馃槙

Bonus points for where it was used....馃憤

Looks like Han Solo's blaster. (Did he use it to shoot Greedo? I don't remember a scope on it when he shot at Vader in a later movie...)
Looks like Han Solo's blaster. (Did he use it to shoot Greedo? I don't remember a scope on it when he shot at Vader in a later movie...)
Winner winner chicken dinner.

It's actually made from a Broom Handle Mauser with scope added and funky muzzle brake.
Winner winner chicken dinner.

It's actually made from a Broom Handle Mauser with scope added and funky muzzle brake.

Well, I only remember it because I was 5 years old, at the movies with my older brothers and my dad, and that was the coolest scene I'd ever seen.

It remained the coolest scene until I was 11. (Interestingly, it was overtaken by a scene from another Star Wars movie. Any boy who was 11 in 1983 knows what I am talking about!)
Ha! Trick question...its neither.

My favorite of all was the FN FNC (223 NATO). Smoothest shooting MG ever. Steady, on target, very controllable. I've probably shot over 100 different kinds of MGs and this was hands down the best. Loved it.

IF I were to own another MG it would be this one...they run around $10k right now so unlikely I will be adding to the collection.
FNC's are a great rifle for sure and cheap in comparison to most.
Just sharing. Placed this on another forum and will put it here as well.

Spent a couple of hours at the club range happily verifying the sights on the Winchester Model 94 Carbine in .32 Winchester Special made in 1941, probably on the eve of Pearl Harbor. Depending on hunting opportunities, a deer or a hog might appear in front of the sights of the rifle sometime this season.

I've scarcely ever needed to handload for this rifle as the .32 Winchester Special apparently is a lucky cartridge for me and supplies of factory ammunition turn up more frequently than I have need of them. I've only ever loaded a single box of 100 Hornady 170 grain component bullets and shot them through the rifle. I still have some boxes of factory Winchester ammunition on hand purchased years ago. A couple months ago a nice fellow at church asked me if I wanted six boxes of factory .32 Winchester Special he'd found in some of his dad's stuff. Well, of course!

Light played tricks with bright sun and cloud cover alternately. I always feel I do my best work with open sights in cloudy conditions. Anyway, the variable light looked like a fine place to find an excuse for shabby shooting to me. Light can influence one's perception when sighting with open sights. Since the rifle was fired from a bench rest under an awning and the front sight is hooded, this excuse might be a bit lame.

Last time I had the rifle out to the range was several years ago and it shot high. At the time I had adjusted the rear sight and figured the rifle remained sighted in.

First five-shot group off the bench at 100 yards today found the rifle shooting high yet again. There was only one more notch at the bottom the elevator of the Winchester's rear sight so the sight was lowered.

Fired a couple which landed pleasingly close together but were disappointingly low so the elevator was moved back and we were back to where we started. Fired three more rounds.

Shot a second 5-shot group on the same target. What's that round "off toward Joneses'" up there in that 7 ring? The other four shot were acceptable.

Best group of the day. An inch and 3/4, it's probably the best group ever shot with this rifle. This one seemed so nice that it had to be accidental. The last shot fired in this group felt as if I'd badly blown it to the right. Perhaps there was a mitigating flinch. This group was shot prior to fooling with the sights.

A more typical Winchester 94 Carbine 5-shot group at 100 yards from the bench for me. The shot into the orange center makes the group 2 7/8 inches.

The rear sight probably could use a bump to the right. I don't know if I'll bother going back to the range before hunting season to give it a bump or not.

Even the Winchester 94 benefits from careful shooting attention at the bench rest.

Fired off two boxes of ammunition this afternoon, thoroughly enjoying the purposeful report and nudging recoil from the Winchester 94 Carbine.
Glad to see we have some other firearm enthusiasts here 馃榾 Picked up a Gen5 Glock 17 this week!!