··Home For Wayward WatchesIt’s pretty nice having a private range I hate dealing with public ranges and the safety concerns who are typically there.
Agreed. We have our old family place on the lake, hence my Forum name (backward). 300 yards to a natural hillside backstop is all that may be managed there presently. Would take a dozer to take it to perhaps 600 yards or so.
I've shot at that hillside since I was a kid in the late 1960s with .22 Shorts to .458 Winchester Magnum and just about everything in between that either I, cousins, or our buds brought out.
I just will not deal with public ranges. Am not even interested in crowded private club ranges. I either shoot at an infrequented local gun club range three minutes from my house or else out at the lake. If I had to utilize public ranges or, worse and worse, wretched indoor ranges, I'd retire my shooting sports hobby and concentrate on coin collecting or ... watch collecting.