SMP 300 losing time?

You need to get roaring drunk on a regular basis, once you've lost whole days or even weeks a few seconds won't matter so much!
That’s not necessarily the case. METAS specs are for the average rate, so the average of 6 individual rates in different positions. Since the average rate can be as slow as zero (0 to +5) it’s possible that some positions run slow. If those happen to be the positions that your wearing habits favour, the watch can run slow on your wrist and still be in spec.

The results from wearing the watch are not going to tell you if it’s out of spec, so it will require someone with the equipment and understanding of how the specs work to determine that...

This x1000! @Archer is the man, I take everything he posts here as the bible!

I may have missed it, but did you post if your watch behaved in same manner when you first picked it up, or it suddenly started losing time, prompting you to post your concerns here?

Given the sage advise I have read posted in this forum: I wouldn't use a couple of consecutive days at a time to judge the accuracy - use the accumulated average over a much longer period. I have Watch Tracker app, and it tells me that my Speedy 3861 is 0.0 spd avg over 300 days. My AT 8900 is +0.1 spd avg over 529 days. But if I'm 'focusing' on a few days only, my AT sporadically losses and gains time (one day -1.5 spd, next day + 2 sec) that in itself may drive someone mad (or think it isn't running per specs). Note though: I wear my watches 24x7, so resting position while I sleep and overall wearing behaviour while awake does impact how accurate watches can be.
