When I got mine I wasn't particularly aware if Omega other than just a slightly more expensive brand. It seemed like a good buy as the non-original bracelet that came with it had the ability to be instantly increased in size so I could wear it outside of my motorcycle jacket (no clock on my bike back then) and I did night photography so wanted a stopwatch function for the "Bulb" setting on the camera, of course it looked good as well plus it's relatively small size fitted my skinny wrist, so all in all a perfect buy.
That's very cool! Do you happen to have some period shots from when you where wearing your seamaster back in the day?
Here’s mine.
So time has flown by and its gone from this;
to this;
it is obvious (usual differences) that the dial has been restored, but now I feel happy wearing it - that was the object of the exercise for me personally after all and I am very please with the result. I'll probably follow-up with a new thread in due course with more pictures and details of what was done, but for now it's nice to have it full time on my wrist (checking accuracy and so on) for the first time in 15 years or so, before it goes into rotation with my other watches.
Warms my heart when you ask that given that there are obvious differences between the new and old dial 😀 - but to answer your question painted/printed as Omega no longer have this dial available.
This is a great piece of work - can I ask who did this for you, and what was used as luminescent (or not) material and how it glows under UV?
Thanks and wear this gorgeous piece in good healt 👍
Just picked up this gem!