Once admins set an (annoying) avatar, I couldn't change it... 馃
Yes you can.
Change avatar in your settings page.
Log out of 惟Forums (yes, I know, but it won't be for long).
Clear your cache (browsing history).
Log back in to 惟Forums (whew, I was getting withdrawal symptoms?).
You should have your preferred avatar.
Hope that helps.
Nice one Jim! Now could you (or anyone else) kindly guide me through the process of 'tagging' a members name to a post or reply??? Because I keep making a 'balls' of it, which suggests that I don't know what I'm doing???
Thankyou! Jonathan
It worked!
@nonuffinkbloke load say your three photos, write what you want and insert a photo where you want it and the type your next paragraph insert next phot etc
Take care not to hit insert all at the top of the photos but the insert next to the picture you want
The three photos will stay below always
If you're on a proper computer, just write your story.
Then do the ADD PHOTOS and select your photos.
Wait until they all load into the frame below your reply.
Then put your cursor into the text where you want the first pic and then select insert photograph.
I usually add three line breaks between paragraphs and insert the pic in the middle.
<insert a photo here for example>
On an aside, I have great trouble trying to add pics in the correct order using a phone so I very rarely do it. It is a telephone after all.