·I like the ceramic insert ... I don't think it makes it a fail as a "real" dive watch, but it wouldn't the first choice ... Lots of very hard, unforgiving steel things down there.
And that's because, hopefully we could all also agree, luxury products are generally designed to inspire the romance & emotions of tools, rather than to be used as ready-for-duty tools.
TLDR, luxury dive watches are a product of craft, rather than a tool for craft or expeditions.
Because they're crafted products rather than tools, the door opens to infinite amounts of crafted & artistic features from all types of fields:
- Crafts: materials engineering (ceramic), metallurgy, leatherwork, mechanical engineering, et al
- Art: engraving, carving, enamel & glass work, stone polishing, etc
So for luxury products really it just depends on which arts and/or crafts one appreciates versus which tool uses one needs.
For example, one can buy a $6400 G-shock MR-G Frogman as a dive computer back up or an $800 one and they both have same features, so which is the better tool? which is the better crafted product? My choice would the $800 one, but I'd never use it for diving unless it was incidental.