Please Report Fake/Counterfeit Item(s) And Seller

I got an offer to buy this one but the dial looks dodgy for me. Any experts? It's through internet, so couldn't check the caliber inside
even non-expert can see this as something awful> looooooool
"An unwanted present" that surprises me ! I suppose it's not really a fake though as no mention of Omega/Speedmaster in listing. Good old Bradford Exchange watches
This is a re-listing. I reported it previous and notified the seller. Rec'd this note from the seller:
"I took watch to a watch expert, and in fact is a 18k Omega its not a repica"

Please also contact them. They don't appear to be malicious. Just uninformed.

Sent seller the following message. Let's see how/if they respond.

"Looks like you're a reputable eBay seller with excellent feedback. I hope you take my comments constructively. The watch in this auction is not genuine Omega, but a knock off probably from the late '60s to mid '70s. It is not an Omega movement nor is any part of case solid gold. I've been collecting vintage wristwatches over 25 years. I'll be the first to admit I've not seen everything nor do I know everything, but am 99.9% sure the above is accurate. Potential buyer will be disappointed if they're expecting genuine Omega. Item should be removed since it is counterfeit. Just trying save you and buyer bad experience.
Sent seller the following message. Let's see how/if they respond.

"Looks like you're a reputable eBay seller with excellent feedback. I hope you take my comments constructively. The watch in this auction is not genuine Omega, but a knock off probably from the late '60s to mid '70s. It is not an Omega movement nor is any part of case solid gold. I've been collecting vintage wristwatches over 25 years. I'll be the first to admit I've not seen everything nor do I know everything, but am 99.9% sure the above is accurate. Potential buyer will be disappointed if they're expecting genuine Omega. Item should be removed since it is counterfeit. Just trying save you and buyer bad experience.

Reply from seller and it's gone!

"The case is 18k solid gold. I had that tested already.i went ahead and remove listing from Ebay, to have watch certified"