··Omega Qualified WatchmakerI'm not in the business but would expect Omega to have training/documentation/tools available for people to service the watches in a standardized, reliable way.
They do - Omega Work Instruction 72 deals with procedures for cases with ceramic components. Tells you how to open them without chipping a lug, how to replace pushers, how to install the case back, etc. It also tells you what specific tools are needed (that you have to buy from Omega) for each specific case you want to work on.
But having been to Omega for training on other things, there is usually detail left out of these documents that is passed on by the instructor. It's also a chance to see it done before you do it, ask questions, etc.
And also to help cover any damages that occur if one of the units fails while being serviced properly.
Sorry but that is very wishful thinking. There is no way Omega would cover any damage to a case that failed during service by someone outside of their own service centers. If something happened, my fault or not, I would be eating 100% of the cost.
Cheers, Al