Dan S
·Another satisfied customer.
Oh no, I thought this one was going well, but emotions had to come out at the end.
D Dino13No, the matter is different: it doesn't seem polite to me to be told: don't think that a stranger does this for you... you research...If I wrote here it is because after numerous researches I thought I would find the help of experts who if they knew the answer would help me. But it's not fair after providing me with information that anyone would have given me, and that I already knew, to hear me say these things... if they didn't know how to help me they wouldn't answer me. Sorry I didn't mean to be rude.
D Dino13Vagage and insufficient answers. And after asking other questions to better understand, they answer me in a rude way instead of being silent. If you didn't know how to help me, you didn't answer instead of not giving me help.
There is a lot of whining going on, but the bottom line is that you are too lazy to open the watch. As I noted before, it's unrealistic to expect people on the internet (experts or not) to answer every question based on a few photos of the outside.
Let's be clear though, no one here (or very few) are professionals. We're enthusiastic amateurs, who give our free time and knowledge willingly and freely to help others.
Members are generally more forthcoming if you share what research you've done first.
Regarding opening the watch, try a caseback opening (rubber) ball. Theyre a few quid and can open 4 out of 5 case backs.