Omega Nato's Rant - Why Buy Them?

The only NATO strap I've ever had was on the Ultraman, and I quickly discovered I don't like them, at all. Just don't like the look. For those that like them, God bless, but I'll stick to conventional leather straps.
I think the Toxics are pretty great for the money. I have a few Omega and Tudor NATOs that were included in the box and while they are superb I don’t find the Toxics and other premium brands far off, Agree that the Gnomos were great for the money.
I like the quality of the Omega NATO but I was wondering what in hell they were smoking to change the original dimensions! That's just insanity!

I prefer the Maratac version, personally.
I like the quality of the Omega NATO but I was wondering what in hell they were smoking to change the original dimensions! That's just insanity!

I prefer the Maratac version, personally.

Maratac is my 2nd favorite (after Dievas). They are a little less comfortable, but a bit more rugged without being thick.
Never heard of Dievas. I'll have to take a look!

They are being discontinued unfortunately. But I like them because they were the exact G10 spec, nothing more, nothing less. The weave was tight but soft, but not too soft. The Goldilox of NATO in my opinion.
I know Omega NATOs are expensive but so is my watch. I won't put a 10 dollar NATO on my 6000 dollar watch. I also like the quality and the branding. Only OMEGA NATOs for me 👍

I agree. Why spend all that money on a beautiful watch, and then spoil it with a cheap NATO? Yes, the genuine Omega straps are expensive, but the quality is superb. Exactly what you would want for your cherished watch. I thought the Spectre NATO was expensive until I discovered the NTTD NATO is £280 ! But I want the genuine Omega products, and they preserve the integrity (for want of a better word) of my watch collection.
I agree. Why spend all that money on a beautiful watch, and then spoil it with a cheap NATO? Yes, the genuine Omega straps are expensive, but the quality is superb. Exactly what you would want for your cherished watch. I thought the Spectre NATO was expensive until I discovered the NTTD NATO is £280 ! But I want the genuine Omega products, and they preserve the integrity (for want of a better word) of my watch collection.

Agreed mate!
I agree. Why spend all that money on a beautiful watch, and then spoil it with a cheap NATO? Yes, the genuine Omega straps are expensive, but the quality is superb. Exactly what you would want for your cherished watch. I thought the Spectre NATO was expensive until I discovered the NTTD NATO is £280 ! But I want the genuine Omega products, and they preserve the integrity (for want of a better word) of my watch collection.
Too bad they're so wrong...
We each spend our money our own way and on our own choices.

All the nato straps uphill of here in this thread: none of them look like they've done a lot of work..... just saying.
The supreme NATO straps from Crown & Buckle are really nice. They have a nice long tail that I can tuck in to both keepers and feels secure. A steal at $28-34. But I must admit, nothing feels as nice as the Omega NATOs...
NATO by definition should be cheap. I have lots of them at about £2.50 that work fantastically and look just how I like them. Military! If you think a seatbelt style smooth fabric and finely made stainless hardware is worth an extra £100 then go for it.
I like cycling, coffee and watches. You will find parts and products in all those disciplines to match your budget and the most expensive versions, while often very nice, can never be justified by form and function. The common denominator is people with plenty of money!

I think wrist size is often overlooked with NATOs. For my 6.75" wrist it adds too much height and bulk around the wrist, particularly with the folded part, that it's just so funky.

I have never particularly found a single one, even pricier ones, that are comfortable or fit well. I'm always between hole sizes.
I've only found that elastic like Erika's or hook straps (my favorite) that are infinitely adjustable and fasten in other ways to be a good option.

I think wrist size is often overlooked with NATOs. For my 6.75" wrist it adds too much height and bulk around the wrist, particularly with the folded part, that it's just so funky.

I have never particularly found a single one, even pricier ones, that are comfortable or fit well. I'm always between hole sizes.
I've only found that elastic like Erika's or hook straps (my favorite) that are infinitely adjustable and fasten in other ways to be a good option.

3 deal breakers for this guy.
1. If you have a spring bar brake the watch will fly off your wrist - unlike with a normal nato.
2. You can not slide the watch on, you need to remove spring bars.
3. It's not Omega branded.
3 deal breakers for this guy.
1. If you have a spring bar brake the watch will fly off your wrist - unlike with a normal nato.
2. You can not slide the watch on, you need to remove spring bars.
3. It's not Omega branded.

1. This strap isn't going to break a spring bar. This design and fabric doesn't place as much pressure on the spring bars like a NATO, and to be honest, NATOs cause more problems than they solve in that regard.
2. Day to day, yes, you absolutely can just put the watch on. You must remove the spring bars if you want to change the strap, but that is no different than any other strap swap at least initially. NATO takes the "W" in that column but comfort comes first for me.
3. My watch is Omega branded and that's good enough for me.

Plus I can enjoy a little spaceman on my wrist to go with my moonwatch, even if Omega hasn't seen fit to produce such a product, I can choose to enjoy it (not my photos):



one last point, the comfort cannot be understated for me. I like the stretch:
1. This strap isn't going to break a spring bar. This design and fabric doesn't place as much pressure on the spring bars like a NATO, and to be honest, NATOs cause more problems than they solve in that regard.
2. Day to day, yes, you absolutely can just put the watch on. You must remove the spring bars if you want to change the strap, but that is no different than any other strap swap at least initially. NATO takes the "W" in that column but comfort comes first for me.
3. My watch is Omega branded and that's good enough for me.

Plus I can enjoy a little spaceman on my wrist to go with my moonwatch, even if Omega hasn't seen fit to produce such a product, I can choose to enjoy it (not my photos):



1. Any spring bar can break, regardless of the strap or its design.
2. I think Hands90 meant slide the watch on to the strap. The quick ability to change straps is a benefit of NATOs as you noted.
3. The OP of the thread was concerned with Omega branding IIRC, so that's why it was brought up.
I'm waiting for my 6b/2617 repro strap to be delivered. From their website:

The 6B/2617 was the first nylon NATO strap issued in 1954 for the Mk11 navigator watch, the 6B/346

We are now manufacturing and selling a faithful copy of this strap, primarily because of requests by supporters to produce a copy, true to the original strap width of 16mm.

1. This strap isn't going to break a spring bar. This design and fabric doesn't place as much pressure on the spring bars like a NATO, and to be honest, NATOs cause more problems than they solve in that regard.
2. Day to day, yes, you absolutely can just put the watch on. You must remove the spring bars if you want to change the strap, but that is no different than any other strap swap at least initially. NATO takes the "W" in that column but comfort comes first for me.
3. My watch is Omega branded and that's good enough for me.

Plus I can enjoy a little spaceman on my wrist to go with my moonwatch, even if Omega hasn't seen fit to produce such a product, I can choose to enjoy it (not my photos):

one last point, the comfort cannot be understated for me. I like the stretch:

1. This is not true. If someone were to put any band on too tightly or a spring bar could simply fails. Twice, when I took the train from New York there is something on the train seats that would catch my watch. I've caught my watch twice from spring bar failure! And both times I was not wearing a nato.
If I was wearing a nato the non failing spring bar would hold the watch in place. Since with a nato you only need 1 spring bar.
2. You are very wrong. I have my watch on an Omega Nato but as I said, I own about a hundred or so other nato straps so I can simply slide it off without the need to remove spring bars.
3. I'm unfamiliar with that Omega watch? It is not a model I'm familiar with.
4. If you want to advertise please do so by buying ad space.

This is the OP speaking.
But you will put your overly expensive NATO on the very expensive watch with $2 spring bars.

For me personally, the argument that you are making is the least compelling argument for an "expensive" NATO.

If someone prefers the branding (as in the second part of your argument), or finds that the quality differences are worth the extra money, that's great. But the "expensive watch should not be on cheap strap" is the least thought out in my view.

Personally, there's no way in hell I would pay that much for a NATO strap, because for me they are a utility strap - I wear them on my beater SM300 (yes still worth several thousands of dollars) and when I go on vacation for a few weeks, I take a few straps with me, so when they get dirty I can just swap them out and throw the dirty one in the wash. Once they get too grubby, they are disposed of.

I also don't like overly thick NATO straps, because I want one where the fold of the tail end under the keeper sits flat, not sticks up in a loop like I see on so many of these more expensive NATO straps. The thicker straps also add more height to the watch, something else I do not want.

So if people like them that's up to them, but for many reasons, they simply aren't for me.

Cheers, Al
I served in the British Army for decades and used Genuine N.A.T.O .straps. With never having a problem with them in active combat environments and in all climates. a fatter strap construction with looser weave may visually be preferable for some though slimmer heat welded stronger straps that convieniently fit under cuffs without catching are more practical. The Omega branding on the straps is more ones own choice and taste.
I gave my son a blue dial 300 before he started at RMA Sandhurst last year( Royal Military Acadamy ) and it should last him through out his service, as it has 5 generations of military omega wearers in his tribe ( he's a 14th generation Soldier). I sent it off with a genuine light Grey issue Nato strap used for G10 watches and I am sure that he will at some time change it for one with his regimental colours which is the norm.
As Archer and others have said it is a utilitarian strap.
As alot of fame is taken by Omega from Both (UK) Military and MI6 (Bond). It is I feel worth pointing out in this thread that not one of the UKSF (British Special Forces) nor SIS ( British secret Intelligence Service) bods that I know would use anything other than a genuine NATO strap on their watches. let alone a Knock off NATO Omega one ( which is in reallity what they are).😀😉👍
OH yes please always fit very strong good quality spring bars ( poss Rolex oneswhich are good) on your watch, if not get a jeweller to solder some on if using the watch for its intended purpose, ie daily usage/play.
(this is in all fairness a rant thread)
OH yes also always fit very strong spring bars ( Rolex ones) on your watch if not get a jeweller to solder some on.

Omega bars are pretty darn strong too.