“Lashing out?” Really? Now you’re just being silly!
Here, again, is the gist of my original post in this thread: Upon joining this fine forum I briefly used my IG moniker as a signature/sign-off. I was soon contacted via PM by one of the mods who told me that this practice was verboten (equating it with “selling my wares”). Consequently I’ve never used my IG moniker again, since, “them’s the rules. The irony, as I see it, comes into play when this particular thread,
Omega enthusiasts on Instagram sees the light of day...instead of every contributor being admonished for selling their wares, each poster is generously noting their IG name in the spirit of sharing, which I happen to believe is the whole point of IG.
Unfortunately, I feel like we’ve hijacked this thread, which is a shame. If you need to continue this dialog I ask that you contact me via PM—I’m always happy to chat.