Comparing it to that place is an insult to OF, in my opinion.
Insult is a strong word with negative connotations.
Perhaps we don't share the same experience
Something happened while I wasn't active on watch forums for a very long while and that forum sort of dissipated for some reason.
I was more focused on much higher priorities with ongoing illness in the family.
Quite frankly I couldn't even tell you the name I went by there, it all seemed to be lost in a dense fog from that period in my life.
I can tell you, that I have accidentally run into others on these forums who were there back then and we also share positive memories/impressions
I can tell you that it all seemed just fine to me then, just as this forum does right here and now
On reflection, i suppose it's a bit like high school then
Some people enjoyed the experience, others hated it, and there are those in between who had a mixed reaction where they took only what they needed and well and truly left the rest behind.
I fell into the last camp in that respect and forged(and still mutually maintain to this day) a hand full of the closest friendships imaginable over a 40 odd year period(to date) beginning in early primary school, which were forged through some great peaks and some pretty crumby lows
You and I obviously have a long history of some exposure to these mediums
Al, perhaps one day we may be able to meet in a face to face format and discuss our experiences more privately in the sincere hope I may gain a better understanding of your insights
I would genuinely feel blessed in that respect
Alternately I invite you to feel free to open dialogue via a PM as that may be our only real hope in what have become known as these challenging times.
I shall leave it there now and endeavour to remain focussed on staying on topic
Kind Regards,