Average size, about 4" across the front legs (second pair).
Saw one nearly twice the size in the garden a few days ago.
Just a tidler 😀
My first trip to OZ I came across one twice that size, I hate spiders! put me right off living in OZ altogether but to be fair I quite like jumping spiders which are a whole lot smaller and you can have a lot of fun with them and there antics.
Huntsman spiders are great, there are always some roaming about the house, catching bastard mosquitos, flies etc.
Without spiders we would be overun with bloody bugs!
Mind you it's also possible to be overun with spiders!
When I moved into the last place the shed obviously hadn't been used for donkey's years, the place was thick with cobwebs and you could see hundreds of spiders. So I nuked the place with 5 of those flea bombs, set 'em off and closed the door and waited outside for a while doing other stuff, I couldn't believe how may spiders came running out under the door! They got a whack on the head for their trouble.
When I opened the door and let the toxic shit dissipate, there were thousands of dead spiders!
They must've been eating one another.
When I was back living in the wilds of East Gippsland, there were these Mud Wasps, they would catch young spiders paralyze them and entomb them in their nest of dried mud to feed the young as they hatch.
The damned things were everywhere and any small hole would have a nest built in it, they would block up the exhaust pipes on small engines like chainsaws and lawnmowers, any bolt hole without a bolt in would have a nest in it, every open ended hose would be blocked with a nest. You had to wear pants outside, otherwise the buggers would try to build a nest in your arse if you bent over! ( At least they wouldn't have to go far for the mud!)
There would have been billions of them, mind you, without them to keep the numbers down, the bloody spiders would have carried away all the cattle!