Christmas Day 1974.
I got a "re-call".
2 x RAAF Police on my doorstep.
"Grab your go bag mate, we'll wait."
Hour later on a Herc bound for Darwin.
Landed in total darkness/pouring rain and for the next four days lived in the back of a Herc on the end of the strip.
Spent odd hours (24/7) fixing U/S aircraft, only got to eat when a rations truck came around.
Morning before we were due to leave, the rations truck came around and the guy offered us a couple of slabs.
"How many of you here?" he asked.
Doing our sums, we figured out six blokes deserved more beer rather than just Tony and me.
"Six mate, the others are over at the terminal".
"Goodo guys, here's a few slabs, enjoy".
Tony and I looked at the bounty. Six cold slabs of beer. We knew it wouldn't stay cold so we cracked on with some VB and stored the others in the tail ramp of our C130.
A couple of visitors through the night whittled the treasure trove down somewhat, and by departure there was little left, just some Emu and two slabs of Southwark.
Trip back home from Darwin via Charters Towers and Amberley AFB (where ground crew had ample opportunity to help themselves) and arriving at Richmond AFB they were still in the tail gate.
I think the duty crew at Richmond probably took them straight to the ELSAN point along with the crapper, which was a bit mature by then.