·They have beaks like secatures. If your son sees one in a cage, make sure he doesn't put his finger in.
They have beaks like secatures. If your son sees one in a cage, make sure he doesn't put his finger in.
I can't say I like this, but, it's amazing the damage they cause, I've seen pictures from people who own these crazy birds and the damage done to interior moulding inside the home.
Something new to “not” be worried about...
What, no irukandji?
These little buggers can ruin your day, or even your life 🙁. Hard to spot also at only one inch long.
A few shark tales 📖
Man gets killed by shark in Broome Western Australia
Very next day
Girl saves shark in Tasmania
Is Florida like Australia just smaller?
The only time that wild alligators will attack humans is if they are unexpectedly disturbed, provoked, or defending their young.
In Australia 3 crocodiles would have grabbed the guy as he fell in the water. 😗
Which Is More Aggressive: An Alligator or a Crocodile?
Alligators, while definitely dangerous, are relatively timid compared to crocodiles. An alligator will generally try to escape if approached by humans, usually heading for the nearest water.
The only time that wild alligators will attack humans is if they are unexpectedly disturbed, provoked, or defending their young.
Crocodiles, on the other hand, are much more bad-tempered and far more likely to attack humans, even unprovoked.
Australian saltwater crocodiles are generally considered the most dangerous in the world, followed by Nile crocodiles. (Nile crocodiles kill a lot more people a year though)