··This Space for RentSo I just learned that most Koalas have chlymadia while Kangaroos and Wombats have Herpes
So I just learned that most Koalas have chlymadia while Kangaroos and Wombats have Herpes
@Walrus, I visited various places in Australia over a 3-1/2 week period a couple of decades ago -- including lots of time away from the cities, and all I really saw that might have been poisonous were a couple spiders. Much more like to get a kangaroo through the windshield than a venomous bite from a spider or snake.
@Walrus, I visited various places in Australia over a 3-1/2 week period a couple of decades ago -- including lots of time away from the cities, and all I really saw that might have been poisonous were a couple spiders. Much more like to get a kangaroo through the windshield than a venomous bite from a spider or snake.
Took our pet cat to the vet a few days ago because he had 2 puncture marks in one of his hind legs caused by fangs. The vet reeled off the names of a 1/2 dozen species of snake in the local Sydney area that might have bitten him but concluded it was more likely another cat because he presented without symptoms. So, $130+ later and with antibiotics in hand, at least I left reassured the cat won't die or get paralysed.
Just don't microdose any Inland Taipan. You won't wake up.
Start with our Eastern Brown and see how you go.