Togri v. 2.0
··Wow! Custom title... coolUseless post farming it may be, but it has nicer flavour than most farm posts.😗
What was this all about? Sounds interesting it’s gone now 🙁
Useless post farming it may be, but it has nicer flavour than most farm posts.😗
Am I doing this right?
You're grandfathered anyway- you could have sold a bag of poo with 12 posts
I mean we should have seen it coming.
I mean we should have seen it coming.
How do you guys mentally archive this stuff! Who said what-when. I can't remember what I ate for breakfast!
This is true. Doesn't seem to be anything sneaky about it. Maybe those concerned might just sit back and see how it unfolds once the 200 mark is hit? What's the worst that could happen...