What a beautiful day. It was about a week ago before the Hurricane Hillary came to California.
Couple of house buddies.
Couple of Mourning Doves that are back again. For some reason, they like my front door. I have to open my door slowly so I don't frighten them. This is the second time this year they are nesting next to where I keep my shoes.
Theres two you can see from my kitchen window.
April they had chicks. I used to go out at 9:00 pm to water the plants and the hen was sleeping on top of her eggs.
As soon as the chicks learned to fly, I had to get them and put them back into their nest since they kept falling out.
I would open my front door and they would be waiting for help until instinct kicked in and they were stronger flyers.
They were so cute, tempting to make them into pets, but they are better off in the wild. The mother is back again this morning August 22 so if we are lucky this will be her second set of chicks born literally on my door steps.