Gee I’m monitoring the progress of the baby birds under my deck as mamason bird has pretty much taken over. I carefully scope out the area and if he isn’t around I take some pics of the babies. I thought all was clear but she came out of nowhere swooping me and chirping I do not have my backyard back but it looks like these fellas should be flying soon I would think.
Tree bumblebee on my front step got a nest in my porch in roof space loads of activity especially when sunny and warm not very often in the North East of England 😀
BTW to all contributors, present and future and to Omegafanman for starting this thread. It's really enlivening and charming to see these contributions and a very welcome opportunity to see just how global the OF now is.
Some waterside wildflowers the pink ones are ragged Robin I self seeded these over ten years ago in my local country park around the marshy and waters edge there are thousands now great for insects and butterfles what a sight en mass taken in sunderland in the UK.
Here is more Yellow Flag as in @Hetcins1 's last photo. Funny thing is that this is a wetland plant and here it's on thin soil over limestone and a rather dry location.
Stag beetle - best I've seen in a long time, although my photos weren't quick enough to really capture it properly. For reference, this guy is about the same size as your thumb...
A couple of close ups of the bee orchid grows in a few area's I'm my local country park near sunderland in the UK ,the flower emits a scent mimicking that of a female bee a male bee tries to have sex with the flower head which closely resembles a bee unknowingly pollinating the flower .amazing😀.
Another orchid species this is the common spotted orchid they vary in size and colour as seen in these pics which I took this morning in my country park near sunderland in the UK just coming in to flower.
Very weird this is on my property towards the road I don’t do a damn thing to it but every year it comes back. Everything I try to grow I’m out here watering and fertilizing maybe I should just leave things alone perhaps that is the part I’m missing