My car was just BURGLARISED in Liverpool,UK. Burglar left my £500 GPS and £400 24teeth Crown.

5). Replace car windows by 100% shockproof safety glass
Problem with that solution is that you then run the risk of burning to death in your crashed car. It is breakable for a reason!
Sorry to hear what hap at least your all safe there is a massive drug problem in Liverpool never leave any thing in sight and if you can don’t go there
Sorry you have had your property stolen, and your space violated

As someone has just said......Liverpool has a massive drug addiction does parts of Manchester

In the 80's / 90's ......( when car radios were detachable ) ........its really was far, far worse...

People were attacked at traffic lights for their laptops / handbags....usually with a brick through the window

I must have lost 10-15 radios during that time, ( two in the same week !) and even had my Astra GTi stolen, & torched in a local park

( I was probably more annoyed that they used a book, on the back seat as kindling,...... than the loss of the car itself )

All metropolitan cities are prone to car crime....I believe it is rife in Singapore too ?

Never leave anything of value in a car......even the boot / trunk is vulnerable to being 'popped'

My is horrible when it first occurs to you......but try to move on
Any man seen wearing suit in Liverpool is usually addressed as the accused

The actual original joke went :

What do you call a Man dressed in a suit, in Liverpool ??..........The Defendant
Unfortunately what Theresa May says and what she actually does are 2 very different things. The pay cap for example: here’s a 2% pay raise for the police but we are only going to pay half of it, the other half is coming out of the budget that we already give you and isn’t pensionable. All she does is keep cutting back, probably helps her husband owns 50% of g4s

All public services should be properly funded, when you need them they’re life savers.

Sorry to hear the bad news, hope they catch the bugger.
I'm astonished you managed to get a scenes of crime officer to come and have a look - you must either have been incredibly persuasive or lucked out with your case landing with a very keen officer!

Unfortunately the way policing in the UK is going means that in my borough in London they're looking at dealing with theft from/of motor vehicle and burglaries being dealt with over the phone. Burglaries! I believe in Leicestershire they trialled only attending burglaries at even numbered houses for a while!
Sorry to hear your story but unfortunately policing in the UK is getting really bad with massive cuts,our local police station is now being made into flats,and our local crime has rocketed,the criminals know they have loads of time to do whatever they want knowing no police will turn up and there will probably be no police follow up either.
What a mess, and unfortunately it is a common occurrence all over the UK, as successive governments, cut spending on the Police.
I live in Central London, and there used to be a huge Police Station about 500m from my House. It was sold, and has been redeveloped into very fancy flats.. Of course petty crime/ drug use has soared since the station closed...
All metropolitan cities are prone to car crime....I believe it is rife in Singapore too ?

hardly i would say, the city is filled with CCTVs and it's impossible to get away
I admire your persistence with the Police, no doubt this guys DNA will already be on file. So sorry to hear of this crime against you, but thank god the 24 tooth crown is safe!
Malaysia is a neighbouring and different country altogether. The article writes that Singaporean cars get stolen in Malaysia. Not the other way round. Malaysia is a Muslim majority country, and also happens to be a backward third world corrupt country who’s Prime Minister ran the biggest scam ever, a sovereign fund called 1MDB which paid for the production of “Wolf of Wall Street”. And also purchased Marlon Brando’s Oscar as a gift to Leonardo Dicaprio for his great performance in said movie. I wouldn’t go there unless I had no other choice! People get gunned down in broad day light at a traffic red light!

You were lucky
Yes sir, Liverpool. Journeyed here to sell my apartment, and instead was the victim of a burglary!
I think all your visible electronic plugs and wires are best disconnected and hidden when exiting your car.

This type of crime does not occur, very often anymore, in New York.

Could have been far worse. At first glance, I thought the evil doers made off with your steering wheel. 😀
We drive on the “wrong side” of the road here! Thanks for the advice. I will remove all charging wires and keep it in my trunk/boot next time! I thought that those wires weren’t worth anyting, thus they might not want to take it. But then again, it could also mean I have electronic devices in the car. Smart thinking!
Good God1 How much street parking do you do?! 😀
Had my car broken into in Melbourne some time back, they took about $10 worth of loose change & a $10 pullover. Left my $200 sunglasses. The broken quarter vent window cost $250 to replace though.

Clear prints left all over the glass & dash, a perfect print on the door handle, so we drove to the Russell St cop shop but the Coppers refused to do anything, iirc, they said pretty much the same thing; nothing will come of it, it's not a serious crime, it's Saturday & we're short handed.
Usually I just take whatever spare change I have from groceries etc, to leave it in my car for future use. Average street parking I do is £6 per time.

I had insurance on the car, and had to fork out £75 for an OEM window, without the Jaguar logo. 🙁 The OEM window would’ve cost £450 without any insurance.

Which part of Melbourne do you live/were burgled at? I stay at south bank, at eureka towers next to crown casino and I must say it’s pretty darn safe! Safer than the UK! Only danger is the casino!
Applaud your persistence at getting the crime properly investigated. Bureaucrats are counting on folks like you giving up and going away.

Please update us on whether or not any leads are pursued!

PS Sorry about your window & all the headaches w/ this.
Will do sir!
5). Replace car windows by 100% shockproof safety glass
Realistically speaking only the side windows can be shockproof safety glass, as you would need to kick out the front and rear in the event of an emergency.
Unfortunately what Theresa May says and what she actually does are 2 very different things. The pay cap for example: here’s a 2% pay raise for the police but we are only going to pay half of it, the other half is coming out of the budget that we already give you and isn’t pensionable. All she does is keep cutting back, probably helps her husband owns 50% of g4s

All public services should be properly funded, when you need them they’re life savers.

Sorry to hear the bad news, hope they catch the bugger.
The CSI lady officer told me that there used to be 60 people running the Merseyside (Liverpool) area, and they would go to every car, house etc that has been burgled without fail, usually within the same day. Now there are only just 20 of them on staff. Serious crimes such as house burglary, which the police take very seriously, are only being attended to after 3-5 days. Owners are told not to temper with the crime scene. Can you imagine that? After being burgled, you’re not even allowed to live in your own home, until the CSI team gets there! What a joke!
I'm astonished you managed to get a scenes of crime officer to come and have a look - you must either have been incredibly persuasive or lucked out with your case landing with a very keen officer!

Unfortunately the way policing in the UK is going means that in my borough in London they're looking at dealing with theft from/of motor vehicle and burglaries being dealt with over the phone. Burglaries! I believe in Leicestershire they trialled only attending burglaries at even numbered houses for a while!
I think my persistence paid off! And I did get a very nice CSI lady officer who even offered to ferry me in her police van (actually not allowed) to where my car was parked, as there was a torrential downpour.