··Oooo subtitles!5). Replace car windows by 100% shockproof safety glass
5). Replace car windows by 100% shockproof safety glass
hardly i would say, the city is filled with CCTVs and it's impossible to get away
I think all your visible electronic plugs and wires are best disconnected and hidden when exiting your car.
This type of crime does not occur, very often anymore, in New York.
Could have been far worse. At first glance, I thought the evil doers made off with your steering wheel. 😀
Good God1 How much street parking do you do?! 😀
Had my car broken into in Melbourne some time back, they took about $10 worth of loose change & a $10 pullover. Left my $200 sunglasses. The broken quarter vent window cost $250 to replace though.
Clear prints left all over the glass & dash, a perfect print on the door handle, so we drove to the Russell St cop shop but the Coppers refused to do anything, iirc, they said pretty much the same thing; nothing will come of it, it's not a serious crime, it's Saturday & we're short handed.
Applaud your persistence at getting the crime properly investigated. Bureaucrats are counting on folks like you giving up and going away.
Please update us on whether or not any leads are pursued!
PS Sorry about your window & all the headaches w/ this.
5). Replace car windows by 100% shockproof safety glass
Unfortunately what Theresa May says and what she actually does are 2 very different things. The pay cap for example: here’s a 2% pay raise for the police but we are only going to pay half of it, the other half is coming out of the budget that we already give you and isn’t pensionable. All she does is keep cutting back, probably helps her husband owns 50% of g4s
All public services should be properly funded, when you need them they’re life savers.
Sorry to hear the bad news, hope they catch the bugger.
I'm astonished you managed to get a scenes of crime officer to come and have a look - you must either have been incredibly persuasive or lucked out with your case landing with a very keen officer!
Unfortunately the way policing in the UK is going means that in my borough in London they're looking at dealing with theft from/of motor vehicle and burglaries being dealt with over the phone. Burglaries! I believe in Leicestershire they trialled only attending burglaries at even numbered houses for a while!