Here's my macro solution. Olympus Stylus 1050SW using SMacro at highest resolution (10MP) Just replaced the movement and didn't double check the hand position. 😡
Then enlarge on PC (went to far on this one, getting grainy) and cut out the section to display.
Extremely low tech but only uses what I already have on hand. 😉
These photos are awesome. If you have a DSLR and you're looking to get into Macro photography on the cheap check out these extension tubes, they really provide excellent results. With the standard lens, a tripod, and some good lighting, you can produce some really amazing shots. Set the aperture as high as you can and use the delayed timer to activate the camera (that way you're finger pushing the button doesn't cause it to move).
I think i picked up a set for around $20 a few years back.