It got a little chilly (bomb cyclone content)

Just came in from running the blower …. It literally hurts to be outside.
I returned home to the East Coast on Wednesday evening after visiting my daughter in Kansas. The big chill arrived there shortly after I left. It's currently 6F there with wind chill of -25 to -40. The cold air comes down onto the Kansas prairie from Canada as well as from the eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains. I don't mind winter, but there's a big difference between cold weather that's appropriate for holiday caroling, hot chocolate and town Christmas tree lightings vs. cold weather that will give you frostbite in a few minutes and put your life at risk. .
Went on a last-minute xmas gift run this morning. Temp was 45 degF and it was raining. When I arrived at the store 30 minutes later it was 29 degF and snow flurries. Temps have held at 29 for the last 3 hours, which is good because power went off at my house 3 hours ago. Blowing winds dried the roads pretty well at least, so threat of icy roads is minimal. I'm hanging out at the office, and have my wife's phone, tablet, etc. here charging just in case power is not restored this afternoon (there is a platoon of trucks form the electric company up the street, but they are dealing with two separate failures). I should be able to get the gas fireplace to run since it has an emergency start, but it only heats one part of the house.

Fun fact: many years ago (before I lived in the neighborhood) the utility companies wanted to bury the power and phone lines. For some reason the local community fought against it, so 50+ years later this one small area is still highly susceptible to outages in the weather events where maintaining power is critical. The other side of my street has buried lines, so they lose power much less often than my side. And they also have wider sidewalks since they were not restricted by telephone poles.
Thought i would wait till mid day thinking it might warm up just a little, but the wind picked up. tried to shovel to shovel, but my face was in pain after 10 minutes. Screw to snow, its going to be there until the winds die down.
It's very bad here too...

high is 65F but with the windchill it's clocking in at 59F.

Supposed to make it down to 41F this evening.
It's very bad here too...

high is 65F but with the windchill it's clocking in at 59F.

Supposed to make it down to 41F this evening.
Shame the watch you’re waiting for is sitting in cyclone alley- not so smug now, are we!
Shame the watch you’re waiting for is sitting in cyclone alley- not so smug now, are we!

Knew that was coming - just didn't know from who.
Thank you brother for having my back.
Woohoo, power came back on just as I was heading home to fiddle with the emergency start on the gas fireplace. Down to 22 degF, and pretty breezy. Power pole 4 houses down is leaning quite a bit more than it used to, but the repair crews are packing up and heading to the next emergency.

So I bailed on work 2 hours early, and I'm at home sipping a cappuccino I just brewed, gas fireplace is gong about 6 feet away and I'm surfing OF. Son is happily upstairs playing computer games and wife is watching foreign TV on her iPad with earbuds. So it's warm and quiet. Definitely an unexpected happy ending to the work day 😎

Omega Content: err, none. I wore the Nivada today because it was raining this morning and I was going to be outside a little.
Dear Lord! F78828D6-F9A5-4D25-915F-5E4F7A69A8D2.png

I feel as much as we bitch in the mid-Atlantic about the ice and freezing rain, we don’t get the sweltering heat of the south, and we don’t get the mind numbing cold of the north. We really stay in the Goldilocks zone of 30-90 barring brief stints. This just sucks!