Is there a way to get the link to the listing? If so O can also share the link in my post when I find any other interesting watch.
I unfortunately can’t help as don't know how. Maybe another member well versed in this app can help. I’m good at finding things… I could determine the app you used from the watermarks in the images, and once inside the app it was easy for me to find the listing. However, beyond that, I can’t navigate the app, sorry. All I have is this screenshot of the listing.
You can read Chinese?
Just to clarify, I'm not interested in this particular watch for my own collection. I found it a bit interested because I saw the same models were being listed and auctioned for around 5-10K USD. If the watch only worth 1k+, then I will not be interested in it anymore.
I would check the radium on the numbers and hands. If there is nothing left: Pass.