Is there something wrong with this Connie or has the market gone down that much?

I think for many collectors (myself included), a major correction would be welcome. I don’t think we will ever go back to $4k submariners and $2k Speedmasters- but a 30% drop on the market would be awesome.
I only ever want to break even when I sell watches- I think the only people who bemoan prices coming down are dealers holding on to inventory purchased at the peak, or those looking to cash out their collections.

I have never seen a genuine dealer complain about prices - hobby, or inexperienced dealers yes, but professional dealers just get on with it, selling stock for a profit over replacement cost, not actual cost.
I have never seen a genuine dealer complain about prices - hobby, or inexperienced dealers yes, but professional dealers just get on with it, selling stock for a profit over replacement cost, not actual cost.

Absolutely right. Replacement cost is all that matters for watch dealers, bullion dealers, car dealers etc.. unless they overstocked at an unfavorable time.