I'm dumbfounded. How in the hell does Seiko pull it off?

Wow a nest of asshole snakes who talk like they know what they are talking about and one apparently changes batteries at a kiosk in a mall

Stay classy!
Wow a nest of asshole snakes who talk like they know what they are talking about and one apparently changes batteries at a kiosk in a mall

Thanks to give us a confirmation.
I said no such thing.

Awkward as in quirky...unusual...nonstandard. You keep saying you didn't take offense to this term, but yet you keep coming back to it over and over again.

When someone says to me that I don't appreciate it, it carries a negative connotation to me just like awkward apparently does for you. So for example I do not appreciate the tone of this statement:

"Do I need to put this sort of stuff in capital letters for you?"

For the record, I perceive this kind of statement as being quite negative.

I certainly hope this is the end, but I fear it is not...
OK Al, I think this clears things up to an extent, even though there are several points in your post I do not agree with I will not carry on the discussion. We have apparently quite different interpretations of negative/positive tone for specific words in the English language (note I am not saying I am right in my interpretation) and I think that was the origin of the confusion/misunderstanding. Essentially we agree much more than we disagree on the Spring Drive movement, and I prefer to focus on that positive aspect and move on.


- Bruno
Oh dear...I was just trying to help out any OF newcomers to the Grand Seiko world, who might have stumbled on this thread.

IMO this would have been perfect, but you certainly deserve a "10 for industry" for your initial effort👍:
"And of course the spring drive is a quartz based watch, so although it's a specific type of mechanical driven quartz watch, HAQ level performance was not the design focus for Seiko".

Note I substituted "awkward"...showing some sensitivity to any proud Spring Drive owners who might have stumbled on this thread and dearly love their Snowflake...then again we are all grown men and women and if someone does not appreciate your toy, well there is no need to sulk if they vocalize their indifference.

Getting back on topic🙄

I don't own any Seiko divers but I am thinking of getting a PADI diver some time in the future...just saw this version on ABTW. Looks quite nice, but I suppose some will question the possible Rolex inspired blue black gradient dial (Seadweller D-blue influence).

Additional info here:

I thought I wanted a PADI Turtle... But now I think I just want their recreation of the 62MAS:


The price though is somewhat ludicrous at $3400. It looks so much better than a SPB051/53. Maybe one of the latter with a hand swap...
This thread is going completely wrong direction. Congratulation on the purchase mate @Faz . I think admins should cap it off, before it gets too ugly.
P.S. I gotta run to the mall, replace some batteries in my watches...
P.S. I gotta run to the mall, replace some batteries in my watches...

See you soon! 😁
Troll how am I a troll for presenting fact and I pulled them right from Seiko website because it's obvious you don't do facts unless they come out of your typing. what I read in here is a bunch of watch snobs who refuse Facts. Archer River paradise foo2ramma you to seem to be the main instigators here. Most of the members here have multiple collections and don't like watch snobs running them down. Now that seems to be more of a troll like activity than posting facts from a website. If you can't keep having a discussion with people without running down their collections while letting everyone know of your superior knowledge I take it Al is a watchmaker from statements cool backup your statements with the truth. So that being said you can end this knowing I'm no troll and yes If it looks like an asshole and acts like an asshole it's an asshole you should report me
Troll how am I a troll for presenting fact and I pulled them right from Seiko website because it's obvious you don't do facts unless they come out of your typing. what I read in here is a bunch of watch snobs who refuse Facts. Archer River paradise foo2ramma you to seem to be the main instigators here. Most of the members here have multiple collections and don't like watch snobs running them down. Now that seems to be more of a troll like activity than posting facts from a website. If you can't keep having a discussion with people without running down their collections while letting everyone know of your superior knowledge I take it Al is a watchmaker from statements cool backup your statements with the truth. So that being said you can end this knowing I'm no troll and yes If it looks like an asshole and acts like an asshole it's an asshole you should report me

What the hell have I instigated? I’ve been conciliatory the whole time. @Archer is a well respected watch maker, if you had spent any time here you would have seen the many detailed posts with pictures from his projects that he has posted. He has gone way beyond in helping people understand the workings of watches. He very generously goes out of his way to provide detailed posts.

You frankly where out of line calling him a battery replacer.

The springdrive is devisive in what it is actually called. There are arguments for calling it a quartz and a hybrid. I call it a hybrid as to me what else is it? But at the end of the day it’s still quartz regulated and there have been many other quartz watches not called a hybrid with as much mechanical pieces. No one is right or wrong on this.
So that being said you can end this knowing I'm A troll and yes If I look like an asshole and act like an asshole I'm an asshole you should report me

So that being said you can end this knowing I'm no troll and yes If it looks like an asshole and acts like an asshole it's an asshole you should report me
That actually has been done.

I think everyone needs a time-out in neutral corners.
Most of the members here have multiple collections and don't like watch snobs running them down.

Hey mate - I'm not sure where you get impression I (or anyone else here) is "running down" anyone's collection. As I've said I've owned Seikos in the past and if I could get my hands on the right one I would own one again. I consider Faz a personal friend and said I thought the watch he bought was a perfect choice.

I take it Al is a watchmaker from statements cool backup your statements with the truth.

Yes, I'm a watchmaker - see the text under my username...

I have explained in some detail why the spring drive is a quartz watch, and how quartz watches work. What part of the information I have posted do you find untruthful? If you are willing to listen to the answers I'm quite happy to respond to any technical questions you might have...

Cheers, Al
That actually has been done.

I think everyone needs a time-out in neutral corners.

I've seen much worse here (or better, some may say). To be selfish, I enjoy threads like this and find myself reading OF during work (normally, a no no).
Love Al stating the facts like a Vulcan. No emotion. Just facts. Unfortunately, a Vulcan would never own a Jag. Illogical. That said, in his photo, he is wearing a hat potentially hiding his pointy ears 😉
what I read in here is a bunch of watch snobs who refuse Facts. Archer River paradise foo2ramma you to seem to be the main instigators here. Most of the members here have multiple collections and don't like watch snobs running them down.
The three "instigators" all have multiple brand watch collections. There is nothing inconsistent between Grand Seiko's explanation and what was stated in this thread. The Spring Drive is a quartz based watch...why should that be offensive to you? Seiko grow their own quartz crystals in-house and regulate each watch to its specific crystal...I think that's pretty cool, don't you? Their 9F quartz watches are very nice, I am a particular fan of the model below...for me it has a Star Wars fighter angular case look...some don't like the bracelet case integration, but I think this watch is quite cool...

Why not post some pictures of your favourite Seikos...I think it might help to move the thread along and calm things down😀
I've seen much worse here (or better, some may say). To be selfish, I enjoy threads like this and find myself reading OF during work (normally, a no no).
Love Al stating the facts like a Vulcan. No emotion. Just facts. Unfortunately, a Vulcan would never own a Jag. Illogical. That said, in his photo, he is wearing a hat potentially hiding his pointy ears 😉
Oh dear...Al is now going to have to buy a bigger hat...and not just for his ears😉
I've found the manual wind high beat movements use what I would call stronger than normal mainsprings - when you are trying to get the balance to oscillate at 36,000 vph, it takes a lot more energy than with a lower beat rate. In the high beat Seikos I've serviced, this has translated into unusual wear like the pallet fork above. Now all watch movements will wear if not serviced, and one could argue that the wear above is due to lack of service. But here is a pinion for the same movement that shows excessive wear on the pinions leaves (teeth) and these are parts that are not lubricated, so this is not the result of failed lubrication, but heavy loads:

Now I'm pretty obsessive about inspecting parts for wear, so there's a chance some watchmakers might miss this kind of wear, but for me these parts should be replaced. Tried ordering, was given back-order status, and then months later final word came back that they could not supply them.

So in summary, quirky movements, some prone to excessive wear, parts are hard to get - for many that would eliminate them from consideration, but it's up to the individual.
..., Al


Is it the case with the newer GS Automatic Hi-Beat? I have been thinking about a Grand Seiko Hi-Beat 36000 GMT SBGJ227 Peacock, and from what I read (but do not necessarily really understand) there has been some improvement in design and material to reduce wear and tear.

Thank you,

Is it the case with the newer GS Automatic Hi-Beat? I have been thinking about a Grand Seiko Hi-Beat 36000 GMT SBGJ227 Peacock, and from what I read (but do not necessarily really understand) there has been some improvement in design and material to reduce wear and tear.

Thank you,

Can't say - as I noted I stopped servicing these quite a few years ago. I have read that GS recommends quite frequent servicing of the higher beat watches though - I'm sure I've read in various discussions that they recommend every 3 years. I would assume this recommendation comes from high loads...

Cheers, Al
Unfortunately, a Vulcan would never own a Jag. Illogical. That said, in his photo, he is wearing a hat potentially hiding his pointy ears 😉

Not sure I was wearing a hat (and the shape of my ears shall remain a mystery), but I was rocking a pretty good 'stache back then...
OMG, don't tell me this is quartz too 😲
Probably best to dispose of it immediately, I'll send you my address 😉