··So on and so on and scoobie doobie dooI think you don't give your friend enough credit. A man that brave with that much integrity is probably brave enough to share his feelings with with his wife.
Thanks for bearing with me here all. The guy got the news about funds being offered kind of out of the blue today. It has been so long he forgot about it and didn’t think anything would come of it. Along with screwing up his hand the dude also wrecked his shoulder during this process but that is just a way too long story to get into. So they guy has calmed down now. This isn’t a large sum of money anyway but enough where he could pick a somewhat decent watch, that’s all he really wants, without having to dip into his current savings etc. the dude would much prefer to have his hand and shoulder normal than cash or a watch. He gets along ok the pain is tolerable. So who knows, we will see what happens.
So what did the dude end up doing?
I dont understand Men who marry Women who then dictate to them how they will be allowed to spend the money they earned. I've been married for thirty years and NEVER have I told my wife how to spend her Money and she has never tried to tell me how to spend mine, I see these posts far to often and have to wonder how much of this is a joke???
I dont understand Men who marry Women who then dictate to them how they will be allowed to spend the money they earned.
Must not live in a community property state. 😁
A Ade117don't ever put things off or wait for a better time, I did, I always thought about things too much, to the point where I would miss out on a situation and put it down to Karma, on 13th June 2018 I had a head ache, I started getting pins and needles down my right side, I called an ambulace it took 15 mins to get to me, I was having a massive stroke, im slowly getting better.... and im trully thankfull for everything i have left and the things im going to get back, but the things i put off doing when i could have had or done them i can never have again....
I dont understand Men who marry Women who then dictate to them how they will be allowed to spend the money they earned. I've been married for thirty years and NEVER have I told my wife how to spend her Money and she has never tried to tell me how to spend mine, I see these posts far to often and have to wonder how much of this is a joke???
A Ade117yep, I wish I could walk !.. I had the best life ever, or so i thought.I was 47, I call it having "my reset button pressed" my stroke was and is just incredibly sad for me and my wife.... I can just about stand up now, last month was the first time i could dress myself..... a stroke to me is a gift that keeps on giving as everyday i get a little better, i would hate to have a desease that made me worse everyday. So i regard myself as lucky, i met many poor soles in hospital that were in a far worse state than myself.... i was a superbike racer had owned a rake of porsche's and woked in the movie industry.... and im glad i did no regrets. I now have a new life to perfect... new goals and to hopfully give a bit back to other people that have gone through simlar things to me.
I dont understand Men who marry Women who then dictate to them how they will be allowed to spend the money they earned. I've been married for thirty years and NEVER have I told my wife how to spend her Money and she has never tried to tell me how to spend mine, I see these posts far to often and have to wonder how much of this is a joke???