Hot Takes: Speedmaster Moonwatch 321 “Ed White”/“Cernan” in Stainless Steel (2020) Review

First of all, welcome and congrats!

Second, regarding the pin paint - good catch on my error: the center pin of the chronograph handset on mine is also painted, like yours (while the subdial pins are not painted). As mine was one of the earliest delivered, I wouldn’t think any change has been made in this respect.

Big congrats again on the 321!

Thank you! And reading your post made me appreciate it even more. I like the little details in a watch that aren’t very apparent 👍
Realized that, as of this past Monday, I’ve now had this watch for two full years. Unbelievable how time flies.

If forced to get rid of all but one watch (save for family heirloom pieces of course), the NEW321 is still the one watch I would keep.

That said, a few critiques I’ve developed/realized that over these two years:

(1) I’ve since come to realize that for timing events the use of a dive bezel is more than sufficient/accurate for my purposes (timing cooking, toddler time-outs, duration of exercise, etc.), and more legible to my aging eyes. This is a matter of personal utility.

(2) the polished finishes of the bracelet make for something altogether beautiful (I get several compliments), but to my tastes a bit flashy/jewelry-esque; I still wear it without a flinch, but it does cross my mind at times. I would consider having the entire watch (bracelet and head) brushed if I knew of a trusted source of that work (and had the patience for the effort). This is a matter of personal taste. (Which reminds me it’s cool enough now to make the seasonal switch to leather.)

Nonetheless, the NEW321’s overall beauty, design, and stealth uniqueness, altogether scratches most deeply all the functional and sentimental attachments I have to mechanical watches. It’s legibility of the time (distinct from the chrono hands) is matched only by dive watches with far larger/less elegant handsets; the overall aesthetic is special; and even self-purported “watch guys” typically cannot discern that it is anything other than a standard Speedmaster - which is to me an enjoyable feature/litmus.

Notably, almost all of these preferences might be equally satisfied by a very top quality vintage Ed White. And a vintage piece would more deeply scratch certain of my sentimental attachments to mechanical watches. But, it’s difficult for me at present to wade into the learning curve of locating, identifying and getting a vintage piece of the quality that would deliver these higher sentimental Values. And, counterbalancing the obvious charms of a vintage Ed White are for me the NEW321’s other offerings that satisfy some of my unique requirements - a central one being that the watch is intended to be an “heirloom’ piece for my youngest son, every scratch or use before him having been his dad’s alone. Then there’s warranty, etc., etc.

No solutions, only trade-offs!

Happy holidays, all!
Happy #SpeedyTuesday! I just got mine last week from my local OB after a three year wait! My SN 887043XX.
[QUOTE="KanakaTurks, post: 2183278, member: I just got mine last week from my local OB after a three year wait!

Congratulations! Enjoy!
I have received mine for a month, unworn, dated 30/11/2024, serial 88708xxx, no paint at centre pin of the chrono hand.