help with my first watch (omega cosmic)

Thanks a lot for accepting me as a member, it looks like a really knowledgable forum.
i am looking forward to purchase my first watch and i have my eye on this omega cosmic.
i have tried my best to find as much info about the watch as possible and i think this cosmic looks quite nice.
it looks like the crystal has a small crack which could be a problem.
Crown looks original, dial looks good and the case looks sharp but i would really want a second opinion.
i am not sure about the price so i could definitely use some help there too
thanks in advance
Looks like a nice watch.

My wife also has such a front-loader but with an automatic movemet. Since you need a special tool to open them through the crystal, the dials seem to preserve quite well. On the other hand simple regulating would mean you will have to bring it somewhere who can open and regulate it. Every time you remove the crystal there is a risk of cracking it. Last time the watchmaker regulated mine, he cracked the crystal and had to wait for 2 months until his order from Bienne arrived, since there were some problems with cyber attacks at Omega (at least thats what he told me).

I think they are often a great value proposition but not without drawbacks. Whats the asking price?

Eve Eve
Looks like a nice watch.

My wife also has such a front-loader but with an automatic movemet. Since you need a special tool to open them through the crystal, the dials seem to preserve quite well. On the other hand simple regulating would mean you will have to bring it somewhere who can open and regulate it. Every time you remove the crystal there is a risk of cracking it. Last time the watchmaker regulated mine, he cracked the crystal and had to wait for 2 months until his order from Bienne arrived, since there were some problems with cyber attacks at Omega (at least thats what he told me).

I think they are often a great value proposition but not without drawbacks. Whats the asking price?

the price is right now 300€ but its an auction
The crystal can be changed during service, and remember to factor in the cost of a service for your watch. You’ll need to have that done prior to using the watch. You can search the forum or inquire here for a watchmaker recommendation near you
That is a familiar looking watch 😗 Yeah, I like Cosmics too 😁 Great model, the monocoque case provides a steel nest for the movement to sleep undisturbed for eons. Hopefully @nutsum you'll find a nice one soon enough!