··Omega Qualified WatchmakerI take your point and acknowledge your standing here, but I think you are deducing more about me than my posting of the question states or implies. I DO NOT "feel that others gaming the system gives [me] the license to cheat on [my] taxes..." and my question does not state or infer that. My question was:
Have you ever thought about minimising the tax on a watch purchase?
Actually, your question was:
"So, in light of the recent release of the Paradise Papers and the Panama Papers last year, is anyone still feeling morally compromised if they toy with the idea of avoiding or minimising duties and importation taxes when they buy a watch from overseas (or even interstate if you are in the US)?"
And you will note that in my statement above, I said "if you feel that others gaming the system gives you the license..." Note the's important.
You then went on to say this:
Interestingly, my last three purchases this year have been from overseas, and without doing absolutely anything to influence the shipping or importation process, two came through without having to pay GST and the sender declared a lower value on the third, resulting in me paying less than expected. I certainly was not jumping to change the outcome. I have zero guilt now that I have read some of the outcomes of the ICIJ investigations.
So with regards to this, I'm not exactly sure what it is you think I need to correct:
As a forum member in high standing your opinions are well regarded, and you are influential, both positively and negatively. Therefore, you have a great responsibility to post accurately. While I admit I am not as strict about rules as you declare yourself to be, I do not wish in this forum to be tarred with the views that you have incorrectly ascribed to me, so I calmly and respectfully request that you correct what you have said.
Now you have already made assumptions about what others do, so are you going to correct those?
The point of my post was not so petty as to encourage anyone to flaunt the rules (which most of us do on occasions, to a greater or lesser extent anyway), but to highlight the vastness of the moral void.
To be clear, other than what you have posted in this thread stating what you have about your last three purchases (no judgement from me, just repeating what you have stated), I don't know what you may or may not have done in the way of "avoiding or minimising duties and importation taxes" and as I've said, that is completely up to you. I just don't feel justified doing it myself.
And my views on this have nothing to do with my standing here, whatever that may be - I'm just a member/watchmaker who posts here.
I have had the unpleasant experience on several occasions of being asked by customers if there is a "cash discount" equal to the tax available on service or a purchase, and the answer is always the same - no. I had one customer argue with me quite vehemently that I would not lose any money if he didn't pay me the taxes, so it was clear he expected me to commit tax fraud (not report the income) so he could save a few bucks. That's just not how I do business.
Cheers, Al