Hairspring disaster

I need more patience ... And practice. I knew I had a slip stone on the way. I knew my hand levers weren't sharp enough but I still tried to pop the roller off with them, and mashed the hairspring to the collect. Fun. Now it's bent on 2 directions. Lol. Good thing I have a replacement movement on the way with a good balance assembly. At least I have a practice piece now? Lol. Still, after I sharpened them, it popped.right off. And the I remembered I had a roller remover tool but didn't know what it was until afterwards.

Learning the hard way. But I am setting up to take some virtual classes and consulting the Fried Bibles.

Not sure why you were taking the roller off, but usually you would remove the balance spring before removing the roller...

Also, I would recommend a roller remover, rather than lever for removing the roller. There are a few types, but I use this one:

Cheers, Al