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Found in box of junk 1959 Omega Ranchero

  1. watchyouwant ΩF Clairvoyant Aug 22, 2022

    If you , after all the advice you've been given, compare that Omega with your whatever Truck value, get lost. Wrong forum for you. Sell it and buy a better truck. I told you in the beginning: value as is: $ 2000. Repair: minimum $ 500. Value restored? Find out after you restored it. Good investment ? Who knows ? We know better than you are, but with your attitude we will not tell you. ... Surprised ? Probably yes, because of your attitude. Are you with your attitude entitled to a better treatment? No.
  2. Tire-comedon First Globemaster Aug 22, 2022

    I am amazed to see how politely and helpfully you continue to try to be understood by this gentleman who just insultes you repeatedly.

    Obviously when posting, he knew that the watch is collectible (look what I found : a Ranchero!).

    From his second post he clearly stated that he wanted to keep the watch … unless he gets the right offer.

    He seems not to understand that nobody can guess the cost of servicing it by just looking at pictures not even showing the movement, and seems to be only interested to know if service could improve his gain.

    He claims to be offended when one say that we are not a free appraisal service but nothing in his attitude shows any interest in the history or significance of a Ranchero and what would make it interesting for a collector. No other question than money.

    I would suggest to simply skip unless we see that he is more interested in the watch than in its price.
    Pun, watchyouwant, mydeafcat and 6 others like this.
  3. pdxleaf Often mistaken for AI... Aug 22, 2022

    Look at it from my perspective.

    Your friend has a box of watches. That sounds like someone who bought of random box from a second hand store like Goodwill. Nothing wrong with that. Generally there are two types of people who do that, collectors or sellers.

    You knew how to get the caseback open. You also knew about the number inside. That suggests someone with knowledge about watches.

    You seem intent on selling if you get the right price. A typical collector would enjoy bringing that back to life and adding it to their collection.

    So based on this, it looks like you are trying to peddle this watch. You can understand why, right, from a reader's perspective?

    You got some great advice, even after insulting people. I don't think you'd get the same reaction if you went to the local pawn shop and called them assholes after they tried to help a random guy off the street.

    It's a nice watch. It has some issues, but that's the way with old watches. I suspect you already knew that.
    M'Bob, efauser, watchyouwant and 2 others like this.
  4. flw history nerd Aug 22, 2022

    Is it, though? I think there's a very important difference. I'm a teacher by vocation, and for more than thirty years, I've tried to help my students discover how to channel their curiosity and enthusiasm into learning for themselves, rather than mere lecturing (which has its place, but one that is limited in a successful classroom). At times, I've had students who say "Just tell me the answer!" If I obliged that request, would I be helping them? Perhaps, in the short term. What I wouldn't be doing is teaching them.

    Learning how to find out information about your beautiful discovery for yourself is one of the most fulfilling parts of this hobby.
    simomega, RevZMan123, kkt and 4 others like this.
  5. Zapatta Aug 22, 2022

    That's really nice and expensive watch! I've got a same model and best advices I got was from another site with most helpful people. Here is a direct link to make it easy for you;
    Eve, Dan S and TimeODanaos like this.
  6. Engee Aug 22, 2022

    Don't you sometimes get the feeling that some people come here thinking it's a bit like eBay but where you get a whole load of people who you know will be interested in what you have to sell and without the fees?
    watchyouwant likes this.
  7. Foundomega Aug 22, 2022

    So every person on here missed the point of what I said I do not wish to sell the watch as stated before. As stated before I want to fix it as originally came but when I stated I'm broke as watch is worth more then the truck I drive I get shit talked again. Where I grew up people don't have money we get by by going through peoples trash looking for that one item that is golden. Hence how watch was found. I've been a fan of watches for years buy can not afford them. My dream watch is a $1500 Movado. Now I have a chan e to have a watch I can never afford to buy and I get shit for trying to see what its worth and if I can even afford to get it fixed right.
  8. Davidt Aug 22, 2022

    I don’t understand your beef.

    You’ve been told whats it’s likely worth with the caveat we haven’t seen the movement and the pics aren’t great for a detailed assessment.

    You’ve also been sold if you’re looking to sell, sell as is, as this will be maximum benefit at least outlay. Typically, even when watches are serviced/restored by experienced collectors they manage to increase the value of the watch by the cost of the restoration. Sometimes a bit more. When an inexperienced collector seevices/restores a watch they may end up inadvertently reducing the value.

    So, if you want to sell to realise profit for whatever reason, sell as is.
    If you want to keep it and restore/service it, do so but take your time to research a good vintage watch specialist/maker that can help. As a ball park you’ll be looking around £200-600 for the service plus whatever parts are needed. A good, sympathetic service will increase the value by the same amount +/-.
  9. Olhenry56 Aug 22, 2022

    ~$2000 as is, ~$500 to get it working is what the experts here have said. But the photos and information are not clear and comprehensive enough for most (any?) of them to be comfortable standing behind those numbers. As they've said, the details REALLY matter. You'd probably get at least $1500 on eBay even without pictures of the movement, so selling it to get the watch you know you want is of course an option. But if the movement is in bad shape, which seems likely (is that rust deposited on the case back? Why not share a photo of the movement?), expect a buyer to try to return it.
    Edited Aug 22, 2022
    Fallout Boy and watchyouwant like this.
  10. pdxleaf Often mistaken for AI... Aug 22, 2022

    Nope. You actually got help and suggestions.

    Any shit you got was due to a prima donna attitude.
    JimJupiter, OneTwo and watchyouwant like this.
  11. Davidt Aug 22, 2022

    Back to the watch, are all the white marks etc debris in the crystal or on the dial? If on the dial, is it debris that can be removed or marks/scratches on the dial itself.

    Personally I wouldn’t spend a huge amount of time opening the backs of radium dialled watches but if you’ve had it open, is the movement in good condition or showing oxidation?
    Dan S likes this.
  12. joeshoup Aug 22, 2022

  13. RevZMan123 Aug 22, 2022


    Ohhhhh is that why there's a whole thread about teaching a man to fish? :cool:

    I came to this place not long ago with questions and I phrased them wrong. I was advised on my wording and I went out of my way to resolve the mistake and endear myself to the community. Not sure if I did the last part yet, but I'm trying. Learning and having a good time are the top reasons to be here and, of course, the wealth of knowledge.

    But take a gal to dinner first. Sheesh. :p
    joeshoup, kkt, p4ul and 5 others like this.
  14. padders Oooo subtitles! Aug 23, 2022

    I guess those that disrespected you actually made the right call since nothing in this thread suggests you deserve any. Cheerio chap.
    mayankyadav and p4ul like this.
  15. Darlinboy Pratts! Will I B******S!!! Aug 23, 2022


    Will I B******S!!!
    AAAKK, Archer, cristos71 and 3 others like this.
  16. d.f40 Aug 23, 2022

    Superb find!
    pdxleaf likes this.
  17. Archer Omega Qualified Watchmaker Aug 23, 2022

    Yes, similar attitude...owed the world and throwing a hissy fit if it isn't handed to them.
    Darlinboy and pdxleaf like this.