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Found in box of junk 1959 Omega Ranchero

  1. Foundomega Aug 22, 2022

  2. Dan S Aug 22, 2022

    I'm sorry if using that term offended you, but it seemed accurate, and I thought it might help you understand the perspective of members. We can learn a lot from how someone reacts to being gently called out. Some are humble and grateful, and others react as you did. We are getting to know you already.

    Scammers come on the forum every day claiming to have barn finds, we have no idea who they are or what their motivations are. If you truly want to learn, take the time to read the forum and develop your knowledge the way we are all doing it, through careful study and research, and by developing a network of friends and acquaintances in the hobby. An entitled and adversarial attitude suggests that you're not actually interested in learning, and just want to be spoon-fed your answer before you disappear. And if you're here to fish for offers, a more professional demeanor would help.
    Pun, watchyouwant, Mark020 and 6 others like this.
  3. Foundomega Aug 22, 2022

    Same to you if you really want to teach us "newbies" with our crappy photos
  4. Darlinboy Pratts! Will I B******S!!! Aug 22, 2022

  5. STANDY schizophrenic pizza orderer and watch collector Aug 22, 2022

    Your watch is worth a few dollars but…..your asking the audience who buy these types of watches to tell you the price so you can sell it to the same audience…

    How to fix …you will get heaps of help
    Where to fix ….you will get heaps of help
    History of your watch… will get heaps of help
    Price…..Your gunna have to do your due diligence.

    Best bet is throw it on EBay and let the market decide.

    Chill from the last page and pick your path. Fix or sell. (In my opinion fixing and then selling would be silly)

    Happy to help, and don’t want to buy it….:thumbsup:
    TwinPeaks, Pun, MtV and 2 others like this.
  6. Dan S Aug 22, 2022

    I don't mind helping and I do it all the time, but teaching isn't the main reason we're here. Maybe you misunderstood that.
    Pun, Olhenry56, Tony C. and 1 other person like this.
  7. Foundomega Aug 22, 2022

    Helping is teaching
  8. Scooterino36 Aug 22, 2022

    It's a two-way street though right? This isn't a charity service, so if one wants to be a student, I'd recommend getting into a learning mindset.
    Togri v. 2.0, TwinPeaks, Pun and 3 others like this.
  9. Foundomega Aug 22, 2022

    I came in asking questions to learn and see what all needed to restore a watch and was disrespected from the start so why should I respect that man that come out first thing degrading people.
  10. Vercingetorix Spam Risk Aug 22, 2022

    vintage hab likes this.
  11. gbesq Aug 22, 2022

    How were you “disrespected from the start?” Please reread the replies to your inquiry. “Newbie” is not a derogatory term. ALL of the members on OF were newbies at one time. I believe that it was you who decided to up the ante and insult a long established and highly respected member of this forum by using profanity. Those are the facts, are they not?
    Pun, pdxleaf, vintage hab and 2 others like this.
  12. perenowell Aug 22, 2022

    Did I miss anything ? :)
  13. Foundomega Aug 22, 2022

    it was put out there as a disrespect weather he thinks it is. It was and is. And to him saying he's not here to teach but help its the same. And he responded to me I never went to him so if that's the case and he dosent want to teach then don't respond to forms because that's the whole point of asking questions in them and I should just get less respect because I'm a newbie I guess
    U can reread and see how the term was used.
  14. Dan S Aug 22, 2022

    I'm afraid you misunderstood me again. Teach and help are indeed similar, but my point was that these are not the main reason any of us are here. We're here to participate in a community of aficionados, not primarily to teach or help. But many of us are willing to help newcomers, especially if they have the right attitude.
    Pun, vibe and Scooterino36 like this.
  15. redpcar Aug 22, 2022

    I hope this lights a fire for you to get into vintage watches. It's almost exactly how it happened to me only it was a LeCoultre. I expect the same is true for many of the members here. Either you are going to have interest or you will not. If not, sell it on ebay as is. You are likely to get the most money there.

    If you are going to get it restored, DO NOT attempt to do any work yourself. It's not a watch to start an adventure in watchmaking.
  16. mydeafcat Aug 22, 2022

    Look at the number of posts and likes under the names of the expert members who shared their honestly acquired and well-earned advice with you, a new member coming with cap-in-hand for help. They have been here a long, long time and spent years developing their knowledge.
    They all gave you sage guidance. It's what makes this community a COMMUNITY.

    Don't barge into a room expecting to be spoon-fed. Jesus....I've been here 5 years and I'm still a newbie. Don't be so tender. Sorry your feelings were hurt but re-reading all the posts the ones from established forum members were helpful, not ignorant...
    Aludic, Pun and Duracuir1 like this.
  17. Foundomega Aug 22, 2022

    How can we have the right attitude when being spoke to how u do not all of us have money to buy top grade stuff and professional grade photos I took pics as the watch was found in a box in a barn and yet there crappy I ask questions to see if I can even afford to restore or try to keep a watchbive need wanting for a long time and yet I'm a newbie. So yes I ask for help and yes I ask what I don't know sorry not all of us are masters for the get go I sk cause the values of these watches are from 2 grand to 10 grand. Non I've seen are in this shape. I ask cause if the wat h is worth 200and I have to put 3 or 4 grand into a watch so it will be worth the same price when redone I can't do it. If it's worth 2 or 3 grand and I can put 500 or 1000 into it to do the same I can that's why I ask questions. If I wanted to sell it I would of pit it up for sale instead of trying to learn. This watch is worth more then the truck I drive so forgive me for trying to learn and be excited over something of importance in my life
  18. TheGreekPhysique Aug 22, 2022

    i'll still take it on that strap ::bleh::
  19. gbesq Aug 22, 2022

    Yes, but I have BOTH the bracelet and the strap.
  20. gbesq Aug 22, 2022

    Ok, a few things. First, without better photos, it’s impossible to properly assess the watch in terms of what it needs. You need high quality photos taken in natural light from all angles and photos of the movement showing the serial number. Based upon what I can see, I would agree with the member who said that it’s worth about 2k in its current state. That assumes that there is no water intrusion and/or major corrosion and that the movement is correct for the watch and doesn’t need a bunch of parts. Second, the inscription on the case back will put off many buyers, especially collectors. The only way to remedy that is by getting a replacement case back in good condition and the only likely way to do that is by buying a donor watch which won’t be cheap. You might get lucky and find a case back for sale on its own, but that’s not likely for a 1959 watch, especially a Ranchero. Third, it’s impossible to tell whether there is any damage to the dial. Most of the marks appear to be on the crystal, but who knows? The dial represents most of the value, so if it has damage, that will dramatically affect the price. Fourth, the case looks pretty beaten up. That too will affect the value. Fifth, the crown is missing. That is pretty easily remedied, but no crown invites moisture intrusion and there is nothing worse for a vintage watch. Sixth, no collector will buy this watch without detailed photos of the movement. Please note that the lume on the Ranchero dial and hands uses radium based paint. Radium is HIGHLY radioactive and very dangerous if lume dust is inhaled or ingested. DON’T open the watch case yourself. Have a qualified watchmaker do it and take photos for you. Last, most collectors who purchase a Ranchero will also want an extract from the Omega archives and a Geiger counter test - at your expense. So you clearly have some hurdles. If you’re thinking that you’re going to spend $500 and then turn around and sell the watch for $10,000, that won’t happen. Hope this gives you what you needed.
    Pun, Syzygy, savka and 4 others like this.