·With all due respect, just because you cannot hear the difference of cables etc, it doesn’t not mean that others cannot hear it or that there are systems that will reveal the differences.
With all due respect, just because you cannot hear the difference of cables etc, it doesn’t not mean that others cannot hear it or that there are systems that will reveal the differences.
The sooner you start listening to music and stop listening to cables, the happier you will be. That is my advice to individuals suffering from audiophile delusion syndrome. Also, spending money on bourbon vs exotic cables will also enhance your listening experience.
The sooner you start listening to music and stop listening to cables, the happier you will be. That is my advice to individuals suffering from audiophile delusion syndrome. Also, spending money on bourbon vs exotic cables will also enhance your listening experience.
Best thing I did was to remember to listen to the music rather than the system. There was a point i forgot about the music and got obsessed with trying to hear things.
The inference you make is solely based on your prejudices and not on my preferences or system.😎
For any 90s dnb people, Adam F released colours revisited today. Spent the evening giving that a listen.
I am most certainly listening to “the gear” because that is the entire point of trying new gear
I am in that camp. I looked up the vinyl price... YIKES. $153 AUD.
I see this a lot too. Audio equipment hobbyists are a fascinating bunch. There's no other hobby I'm engaged in where there is still so much fundamental disagreement and dogmatic opinions, on both sides. Part of the issue is it's been proven time and time again that our hearing is unreliable and very subject to placebo and bias, but some audiophiles insist they have superhuman and infallible hearing. I recall Rob Watts (of Chord) making a self-aggrandising claim that he could hear minute differences in the noise floor at a decibel level well below the threshold of ordinary human hearing. Someone calculated it and determined he was essentially claiming he could hear a mosquito buzzing on the moon from the UK. Can't find the chart now unfortunately, but it was very funny.
I think I might have already commented this a few pages ago but I own and enjoy listening to vinyl occasionally, but I don't claim that the format is superior to digital formats, i.e. lossless audio CDs or files. It absolutely, objectively is not. As far as I'm concerned, CD is still the king of physical audio formats. What vinyl is though, is fun and engaging to play, and sometimes the source of superior masters or versions of albums. Plus it's nostalgic and I wouldn't argue with anyone who wanted a fully analog signal chain for that reason alone.
Re: Cables … I believe in quality interconnects, XLR where possible, Good quality speaker cable appropriately specified for the run length.
For the vinyl purists out there...
Using XLR for balanced if you need it and appropriate gauge speaker wire for the impedance and distance I'm definitely onboard with. Using the $20,000 "directional" 16 AWG with weird wooden bits attached to it instead of the $5 16 AWG from the local electronics store I am far less onboard with. Though I do have some fancier sleeved wiring with banana plugs because it's just nicer to run and connect.
As far as interconnects, I don't have balanced speaker equipment, though I do have balanced headphones but that's a different thing. For my interconnects, I replaced everything with AmazonBasics RCA a while ago. Very nice quality metal connectors, very thick and pliable cable, measured to be as audibly transparent as Mogami Gold with slightly better noise rejection, probably due to the thicker shielding, although way beyond the limit of human hearing so non issue either way.
In a pinch once, I used one channel of a 3 metre long cable to connect a coaxial S/PDIF source temporarily, and it worked perfectly. I think that says something about their quality as well.
My vinyl preamp functions as an ADC so I connect that to my amp via TOSLINK optical to help with galvanic isolation.