For the Hi-Fi enthusiasts among us...

Micro did do a lot of contract work for tables, arms and complete decks.

I did a ground-up reengineering of my Rega and have yet to hear it because I got this table and restored it at the same time. It is magnificent in every way.
J!m J!m
Micro did do a lot of contract work for tables, arms and complete decks.

I did a ground-up reengineering of my Rega and have yet to hear it because I got this table and restored it at the same time. It is magnificent in every way.
I had a Tannoy branded table come to me for service- it was a Micro entry level deck.
Set up my 1200s for fun! Not so practical without them mounted to the wall though.

Didn’t expect to be buying audio equipment today but having moved my Kef lsx speakers to the home office needed something for after hours listening
Ended up with a Vincent 237 mk2 hybrid amp and a pair of Audio Monitor Studio 89s which are delightful

Didn’t expect to be buying audio equipment today but having moved my Kef lsx speakers to the home office needed something for after hours listening
Ended up with a Vincent 237 mk2 hybrid amp and a pair of Audio Monitor Studio 89s which are delightful

Trialling a Densen b-130 amp for the weekend- might end up taking the Vincent back
Densen integrated 130-b amp seems to add less colour, seems a little faster and more accurate and perhaps more detailed than the Vincent hybrid 237mk 2 integrated amp with valved preamp which is class a to 10watts
See how I feel after a couple of days with it

Well this little “vintage” project got out of control quickly. My SA400 is back with another Darlington chip at no charge. I had to confess that I put my multimeter on the speakers I was gonna use and they were the culprits. Yes, I rebuilt em. After i was instructed to “beat the living s..t out of” the Technics driving Dark Side O.M. over the shop pro JBL’s (See earlier post) , I was told to go forth and sin no more but i was reminded that his stock of Sanyo chips is finite and reserved for the 7 series Pioneers. Anyway, new AT USB table, Solidsteel rack, Panamax, and because all the vintage speakers I looked at were in need of major surgery, some scratch and dent JBL L82’s from good ole Crutchfield. (“you do know those are not real JBL’s” my repair guy said as we tossed back some booze over the debrief), a fistful of evergreen interconnects, 12 gauge wire and bananna clips, speaker stands arriving tomorrow. Looks like another watch will need selling. This repair shop is so much fun, I wish I had more crap to get fixed. Its great running my vintage Sony cassette deck again. Huge win…My wife cannot hear this system in the bedroom unlike the Rotel/B&W zones.
I love JBL’s, my first good pair of speakers were a pair of JBL tlx12’s… I still have them
Should drag em out and see if they are still hanging in there
Late last year we went to the local audio pusher for a demo of Linn's new active speakers - they had flown in a rep from Scotland who did the demo, and these speakers were fantastic...

But out of my price range certainly! One of the songs they used in the demo was this:

Not necessarily my taste in music (although it's got a good groove to it), but it is a challenging song for a system to play well and not be very tiring at a decent volume. When we arrived home, I played it on my speakers (about 5 times less money than the Linns we had just heard it on) and it was tough to listen to at any volume. The issue with transparency is that it can become harsh. The Linns were smooth - that was the word that kept going through my head as we heard the demo.

While we were there, they mentioned that Linn has a deal on for upgrades and trade ins. Linn came out with their own Organik DAC architecture a few years ago, and since they are always making their equipment upgradable, there was an opportunity to upgrade my Klimax streamer, but the upgrade was pricey. Convincing "she who must be convinced" would be a tall order.

The rep said that as a bonus, if you upgrade within a certain time frame, you get a free Utopik power supply upgrade, that would normally be $2500. In addition, post upgrade you get a new 5 year warranty. That last bit did the trick, so a down payment was made, and new parts ordered.

The audio pusher arrived yesterday to install the new is the steamer opened up:

Out with the old:

Underside of the bottom cover...

New power supply is in...

New DAC in...

The only thing that didn't get changed really is the small board for the display. We did a "before" listen, and then an "after" - the difference was huge. I'm used to very small incremental differences, but this was massive. Much cleaner sound, fuller bass, less straining on the high end. Even my wife reluctantly thought it was worth the money. 😉

I realized that a large part of what made that demo system sound so much better than mine, was the streamer and not really the speakers. So in reality, we this upgrade really saved about 80k here...I haven't yet tried that argument with my wife - I should probably just quit while I'm ahead. 😁
Always good to make an analogy relatable
80k sounds like it packs the punch of 20% of a 401k
Handy, given the relatively small investment hmm…
Had some of these components in service but tucked away and had others gathering dust..decided id get them all out in the open and working together. Lusted after these as a poor college student, spent the next 20 years picking units. Finally and for the first time all.up and running at the.same time. Love 90s hifi, and with the addition of a (hidden) streamer pretty much meets my needs.

Look like a lot of musical fidelity stuff there… I have an x10d valve stage I must drag out and see if it is still working
I added an eversolo streamer and replaced Apple Music sub with Tidal- getting close to done I think
That said, I might hook up the JBL TLX12’s tomorrow and see how they sound when playing alongside the Monitor Audios

Well, it was time to upgrade video to 4k so a 77" LG OLED C4 came home with me over the Labor Day weekend, replacing a puny😁 53" LG OLED from 8-9 years ago.

And, you know the drill.......I had to upgrade my OPPO 83SE, and ordered a Magnetar UDP900 because the design team behind OPPO(when OPPO decided to stop) became Magnetar. I have found the same attention to detail, and the build quality is at the very pinnacle, coming in at 34lbs. Pictures from their website shows such.

Also, because it can play all audio/video formats, all regions for video and has a dedicated analogue out.

Yes, I'm a physical media guy, but I enjoy the convenance of streaming. However, whether video or audio if I want to be enthralled, physical media is my choice.

Put me down as enthralled with the audio and video performance.
What surround are you using? Or are you 2.1?
No surround......other than what is built into the LG soundbar/sub (SC9) bundled with the OLED. Impressed with the SQ of this very rudimentary sound output of the SC9.
What surround are you using? Or are you 2.1?
Back in my college days I would put 4 speakers in the corners and do speaker 1/speaker2 at the same time and have “around-sound”
Speaking of surround, are there good surround processors out there still being made? Most I see have 5 million connectors on the back and are giant. I am running 3.1 on an outlaw 975, but the gain is very low for some reason. I have tried everything and it is used in ARC mode. I do like how small it is hough. Am using a buckeye amp with 3 x purifi class d amps. Into a focal center channel and Atlantic fronts.
Speaking of surround, are there good surround processors out there still being made? Most I see have 5 million connectors on the back and are giant. I am running 3.1 on an outlaw 975, but the gain is very low for some reason. I have tried everything and it is used in ARC mode. I do like how small it is hough. Am using a buckeye amp with 3 x purifi class d amps. Into a focal center channel and Atlantic fronts.
The Lexicon processor/pre’s from around 10 years ago were about the size of a traditional preamp and are dirt cheap now. They had HDMI and seemed pretty robust- also made a nice line stage preamp as well.
Speaking of surround, are there good surround processors out there still being made? Most I see have 5 million connectors on the back and are giant. I am running 3.1 on an outlaw 975, but the gain is very low for some reason. I have tried everything and it is used in ARC mode. I do like how small it is hough. Am using a buckeye amp with 3 x purifi class d amps. Into a focal center channel and Atlantic fronts.
There are now apparently software based/ high tech amp/switch solutions to MC processing which is all way past this old brain. Most people including myself want all those connections. I picked up a Denon 7.1 x2800 (95 WPC) last spring for under a grand. I’m very happy because it looks and sounds great and I can stream via HEOS if I want to. It’s not my main music system but sometimes you just want to flop down in the TV room recliners and chill. Also have a Denon 900 series CD and Sony DVD hooked in. Tivo and Firestick as well. Running 5.1 but the capacity to add speakers is nice. My old 46” Bravia Circa 2006 still soldiers on though so I’m not taking advantage of 4K yet. I’m not a fan of tossing gear that still works.
Pulled out the JBL Tlx 12’s today
Still a good sounding bookshelf speaker at close to 35 years of age- really good high end, decent mids- bass a bit cloudy