Overall, I think this is quite unbelievable to see this level of quality for a replica, given that the cost is probably around $300-350.
I assumed that replicas could be easily be determined when a crystal face back was installed, ie fake is so bad it can easily be spotted. I am mistaken on that assumption.
Has anyone been to Turkey recently and seen and held these knock off watches?
I go to Bodrum in South West Turkey once or twice a year for a holiday and since my interest in watches has grown over the last couple of years I always look in the shop windows just for curiosity and quite frankly amazement at what they have for sale advertised as ‘replicas’ or better still ‘genuine fakes’!
Last summer the owner dragged me in so I could ‘see better’ and tried to tell me that the watches that he had (100 or more) along one wall were top quality Swiss watches. When he saw what I was wearing, he quickly changed his approach and said that he had some watches that would interest me more. He closed the shop up, took me into a back room and took a large picture off the wall to expose a recess and around a couple of dozen ‘Rolex’ & ‘Omega’ watches.
These he said contained eta movements sourced from an ‘official’ factory in China that produces eta movements for some of the Swiss manufacturers. The other parts of the watches were sourced from the factories in Switzerland and shipped to Turkey in parts where they are assembled by Turkish workers trained by retired employees of Omega, Rolex and the like.
As anyone will vouch who has come across me on this Forum, I’m no expert, but these watches had a look and feel about them that seemed ‘right’ compared to the cheaper offerings in the main shop. The cost of these varied from around £250-350 compared to around £75-100 for the non eta movement fakes.
Could we really be dealing with genuine eta movements with genuine Swiss parts sourced from Switzerland, the only difference being that they are assembled in Turkey?
A frightening thought for anyone willing to buy a new expensive watch anywhere other than an official AD.