Does anyone know more about the vintage brand Richard?

Can Anyone help me?

No more than we've already tried to.

No one can simply make your desired watch appear somewhere for you.
No more than we've already tried to.

No one can simply make your desired watch appear somewhere for you.

Ok. Understood! I’ve just apperciate some kind words about to this special environment here. Sorry to @iamvr for lost his time. I’d think it was possible but only an Ukrainian selling an equal watch, but wreked. So I only say I’m not response for this forum! I’m so just joined for an curiosity. Thanks, and like to speak to you.
But in other words, I’m ask my self so only just you give me more details specifically from this model to simply search in Google and find some more results available. But i so only say, because it’s mine perspective to see clearly this things…
I’m totally confused at this point. Is it your watch? If not, are you looking for an approximate value of this watch because you want to purchase it?
I’m totally confused at this point. Is it your watch? If not, are you looking for an approximate value of this watch because you want to purchase it?

You don’t need to be confused. And yes I admit so not have, I really need, because I like to the design, it’s very exclusive and in both ways first when I find I was trying to find like a cheap and simultaneously good designed watches. And this it’s flashy. For sure I’d really like to find some place to buy, and so ask for reasonable cases.

I so, nevertheless, awake with this brand, it really had a vintage brand, with a good design, and i see at the same time to a good value.
So precisely I had calculated unlike brands that are very well-known and expensive or for rare models or good brands with visually pleasing models, with that high value, I was lucky and I also usually research anything well with some attention to get the result I want within the reach of expectations. It was really the case where I can even get a complete notion and idea of what I'm investigating. And possibly at first time it’s confusing information but you get used to it.

if your interested in selling I’d be willing to buy. I’ve got a friend named Richard with a birthday coming up this would be perfect for. At a profit to you of course.

sending this publicly so you don’t think I have some inside info that this is a college tuition or even expensive dinner valued Watch. 😉

In case this is of interest: