Cyber Etiquette, Please Read

Come on now, you're starting to sound like the President...or Roseanne Barr.

Let’s all stop and wrap our collective brains around that statement.

The president of the United States’ demeanor is analogous to the behavior of an older and washed up actress whose chief talent is being an ass.

Nobody contradictedthis premise either.

So. We are where we are in our discourse and relationships because we are (collectively) implicitly or explicitly ok with it. It’s nothing to do with age, or technology, possibly a little to do with cultural norms, but in the end the fault lies not in the stars but in ourselves. (Apologies to the Bard for the poor paraphrase.)
Let’s all stop and wrap our collective brains around that statement.

The president of the United States’ demeanor is analogous to the behavior of an older and washed up actress.

Maybe so... (and I'm not an American) but a hell of a lot people voted him in.😕 This is what happens when "The Academic Liberal Elite" spend decades dismissing the opinions of ordinary hard working people. We have the same thing happening in the UK and it has cost us our place in the European Union. A desperate, disenfranchised, electorate will ignore the facts and vote with their perception.😀
The message I personally got from this is to filter your message if it needs to be filtered, you cant change the way people think but you can change the delivery. Essentially like sitting at a stop sign but what is being suggested I believe is to just sit there a little longer. The internet will be the internet, everything is offensive now for some reason, a lot of the times because we are reading not hearing so there is a lot we miss out on hearing which is mainly sarcasm. I strongly believe that READERS should take what they see with a grain of salt, as we are all free to post as we would like but well aware of consequences whether they be good or bad.
The message I personally got from this is to filter your message if it needs to be filtered, you cant change the way people think but you can change the delivery............ we are all free to post as we would like but well aware of consequences whether they be good or bad.

This is very true mate. Don't forget we have the options menu and the facility to EDIT a post.

Being a grumpy, cynical, old bloke who knows very little about watches,😕 I'm probably the worst offender on the forum, when it comes to posting nonsense. I would never want to be intentionally unkind to anybody, but despite that I seem to have a propensity for contributing 'total and utter bollocks'. 😟

I often go away and remember that not everybody on this forum has spent 30 years in the construction industry, working along side ex-convicts and thugs. This often prompts me to re-consider the sensabilities of other members, CLICK THE EDIT BUTTON, and tone my impetuous 'old cobblers' down a bit.😀
“Pratts! Will I B******S!!”

Don’t be that guy. 😉

Hello everyone.....

I have been dealing with this issue since started going online many years ago. One of the major disconnects with an on-line community... is lack in personal interaction. The masses seems to "misplace" common manners once behind a keyboard, car or even a telephone.

I think we all have done it in one form or another over the years.... Some are better at self-governing then others, thanks to them....

For the rest of humanity , at least on the OmegaForums it is a hobby for me. I see a lot of banter on the forums... I don't care for it much, that is my personal preference. It just like a buffet, the stuff you like you can consume more and the stuff you don't like you do not have to consume....

Then you have members here " get into it" in a funny way like Dennis and others... Which is fine ... But then somewhere a blurry line is crossed.... Personal attacks ... and even email assaults.

This now turns a fun hobby to a not so fun hobby and people getting upset... bad feelings and really not nice stuff. Things also might escalate .

With the above in mind I try to use a few rules of thumb...

I know you have heard this before....

#1 " does my post or reply add value ?" or will it just escalate a problem....

#2 " how would you feel reading the post or reply if it was addressed to you ?"

So the questions for others on the forum....

How do you be a good neighbor, member aka human being ?

Good Hunting

Bill Sohne
You have taken the trouble to write this so I see that I should take the trouble to read it; that simple statement should tell you where I am.

Of course you're right and it's true of every online group irrespective of the subject interest. Comments which at the buffet would either be ignored completely, dismissed quickly or not even be made take on a disproportionate permanence when written down.
All comments acquire equal status irrespective of their value or the competence of the author.
Sadly, I regret, that's how it is in "net knowledge land" and it's a reason why sometimes we walk away from a particular buffet and try somewhere else.
You have taken the trouble to write this so I see that I should take the trouble to read it; that simple statement should tell you where I am.

Of course you're right and it's true of every online group irrespective of the subject interest. Comments which at the buffet would either be ignored completely, dismissed quickly or not even be made take on a disproportionate permanence when written down.
All comments acquire equal status irrespective of their value or the competence of the author.
Sadly, I regret, that's how it is in "net knowledge land" and it's a reason why sometimes we walk away from a particular buffet and try somewhere else.

HI @tikkathree

I think it is all about communicating... The OP is my opinion, not that I am right or wrong.. this is just point for discussion..

This is everywhere...

As an example as a driver I wish that the person a head of me would just be a little quicker on the go... I think a possible solution would be if everyone drove as if they just started to fell like the needed to go to the bathroom... That should just about take the "lag" out of driving...

and I always use the buffet analogy with this topic.... seems to ring true with alot of people..

have a great day....

Good Hunting

Until the authorities figure out a way to police the web, it's going to be the wild west.
the authorities will never figure out a way to police the web. The only way it's going to be policed is when online communities, "we the people", take it into their own hands and make the rules for the spaces we control. And that's exactly what Bill is doing / asking us to do with him in his OP. Amen.
the authorities will never figure out a way to police the web. The only way it's going to be policed is when online communities, "we the people", take it into their own hands and make the rules for the spaces we control. And that's exactly what Bill is doing / asking us to do with him in his OP. Amen.

thanks @Syrte ..... better then what I could have posted.........

Good Hunting

Reddit has a downvote button as well as an upvote button. Several years ago I hardly used it at all. Now I use it every day, for posts like this:

The internet dialog is getting coarser every day. If enough people react to this, perhaps it will improve. Thanks to Bill Sohne for raising the subject.
Reddit has a downvote button as well as an upvote button. Several years ago I hardly used it at all. Now I use it every day, for posts like this:

The internet dialog is getting coarser every day. If enough people react to this, perhaps it will improve. Thanks to Bill Sohne for raising the subject.

That's interesting. I must admit some bias because I am a member of a non profit called "Respect Zone" that seeks to offer tools to fight hateful or violent speech on the internet. That includes racism, antisemitisim, homophobia, insults, sexism, cyber bullying, you name it.
It seems simple, a logo and a charter with the ambition to be used by everyone who wants to-- but it is quite well thought out, and it's growing fast.

@propervinyl this NGO spurred a survey of insults against journalists on the web and they have become a top target of threats and cyber violence.